After a longer period of time a submit an advanced version of HTTD that changes a lot more than just a few bugfixes.
HTTD Version 2.5k
This Version includes following new Features:
New Features
• The german language mode was enlarged on the level spawns and this feature was also adjusted to the multiboard
• A new function makes it possible for players to inform about their procentual damage of the total damage inflicted to the spawn creeps shown in a ranglist
• The Minigame "Gladiators" was removed because it was too hard alone.
• The Difficulty grade was highly improved.
• One of the biggest bugs was fixed. The Minigame "Blizzard" lead to a Fatal Error that caused WC3 to crash. This was generated due a negative Wait-Integer in the late minigame play time.
• The Minigame "Infected" now has a aura to show the players when they're infected.
• The Standard Race has been weakend.
• The Marine Race has been weakend.
• The Air Race has been improved.
• Minor Terrain changes.
• Slightly modified start video.
• New loading-screen (woohoo
Completly new game content will follow in 2.6 series
I hope you enjoy gaming this version more than last.
Here some screenshots (sry the game modus was set to german
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4
Screenshot 5
Screenshot 6
Screenshot 7
Downloadable above
Soon you can also download the newest version of this map at the map-database of