[Solved] how to turn unit that does not move?

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Long ago i tried to make a chess map and the first problem i faces is that i dont want the pieces to be able to move freely, but only with blink.
But blink says that the unit cannot move. On top of that when i move the unit with triggers, it turns to the right, i cannot make it turn to be 90C.

Any ideas?
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Level 5
Oct 16, 2007
Give the unit movement speed. Then use "call SetUnitPropWindow(<Unit>,0)" to disable movement, it can still turn thought and counts as if it has movement.
After reacing the destination you have to use the function Unit - Make Unit Face Angle.

But do the units realy have to be owned by the player? You could use an AI ally. On selection just create circles of power and selecting one gives a move order. This way you can also prevent wrong moves easily.
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