[Trigger] How to set up game modes

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Level 9
Nov 24, 2007
I was just wondering how to set up game modes right as the game starts. It should be like......

(Everyone finishes loading) Please vote on a game mode. (A list pops up for all players that says "Short mode - 15 minutes" "Medium mode - 30 minutes" "Long mode - 45 minutes" and "Tournament mode - 1 hour")

Can anyone help me out please? Thank you in advance :)

Rep for help will be given of course :D
Level 8
Feb 15, 2009
you have to let a dialog pop up for every player with your 3 categories and whenever 1 is kliked destroy that dialog for that player and let the categorie specific integerglobal grow by 1 (set integer = integer +1)
after all voted u compare and then go for if then else and activate the mode u want
Level 9
Nov 24, 2007
you have to let a dialog pop up for every player with your 3 categories and whenever 1 is kliked destroy that dialog for that player and let the categorie specific integerglobal grow by 1 (set integer = integer +1)
after all voted u compare and then go for if then else and activate the mode u want

uuummmm could you show me what the trigger would look like? I'm kinda confused sry XD
Level 8
Feb 15, 2009
no i cant coz i want u to learn =D
search for dialog in the trigger section do what i told u with them

and u need 3 integer variables

and 3 detecting triggers like:
  • event : a dialogbutton is clicked
  • cond: clicked dialogbutton == easy
  • actions:
  • set udg_IntegerEasy = udg_IntegerEasy + 1
then if the vote time is over u need something like :

  • event: elapsed game time = 60.
  • cond:---
  • actions
  • if udg_IntegerEasy > udg_IntegerMedium then
    • RunTrigger(Your easy Setup Trigger)
  • else
    • RunTrigger(Your medium Setup Trigger)
this is just an example for 2 modes figure out how to do for three =D its just mathematics =D

GL to you i give you most tips how to do but you also have to learn something =D
Level 16
Mar 3, 2006
Shit i can't get it to work right T_T

I'll give you something about dialogues I have made it long ago

  • -------- Hotkeys --------
  • Set Hotkey[1] = 65
  • Set Hotkey[2] = 82
  • Set Hotkey[3] = 78
  • Set Hotkey[4] = 83
  • Set Hotkey[5] = 80
  • Set Hotkey[6] = 84
  • Set Hotkey[7] = 85
  • Set Hotkey[8] = 69
  • Set Hotkey[9] = 68
  • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 9, do (Actions)
    • Loop - Actions
      • Custom script: set udg_Class[GetForLoopIndexA()] = DialogAddButtonWithHotkeyBJ(udg_ClassSelectionDialog,udg_Label[GetForLoopIndexA()],udg_Hotkey[GetForLoopIndexA()])
  • Wait 0.10 seconds
  • Dialog - Change the title of ClassSelectionDialog to Choose your Hero Cl...
  • Dialog - Show ClassSelectionDialog for AP1_Player
  • Class Selected
    • Events
      • Dialog - A dialog button is clicked for ClassSelectionDialog
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 9, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • (Clicked dialog button) Equal to Class[(Integer A)]
            • Then - Actions
              • Set aHeroIndex = (Integer A)
              • Set HeroClass = ClassName[(Integer A)]
              • Set HeroProperName = ClassProperName[(Integer A)]
              • Unit - Create 1 ClassTypeUnit[(Integer A)] for AP1_Player at (Center of AP1 HeroStart <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
            • Else - Actions
      • Set PlayerHero = (Last created unit)

forget about anything isn't related to the dialogue it was belonging to my old project which was deemed to failure.
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