- Joined
- Jan 3, 2014
- Messages
- 59
I got problem on my spell (Kamehameha). I'm trying to use only 1 dummy with dummy.mdx as the model and i'm using
Can anyone help me with this?
Here's the trigger:
When i disable setting the dummy animation by index, it goes normal but i really need this one.
And one more, the dummy that fly from about 200 is only the main missiles
If you need more info, just say...
- Custom script: call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(unit, animIndex)
Can anyone help me with this?
Here's the trigger:
Kamehameha Loop
- Events
- Conditions
For each (Integer Kh_index) from 1 to Kh_maxIndex, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- Kh_stageID[Kh_index] Equal to 1
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Current order of Kh_caster[Kh_index]) Equal to Kh_orderID
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- Kh_reachedDistance[Kh_index] Less than Kh_distance[Kh_index]
Then - Actions
- Set Kh_realTimer[Kh_index] = (Kh_realTimer[Kh_index] - Kh_timerSpeed)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- Kh_realTimer[Kh_index] Less than or equal to 0.00
Then - Actions
- Set Kh_realTimer[Kh_index] = Kh_loopingEffectInterval
- Set Kh_tempLoc = (Kh_startPoint[Kh_index] offset by Kh_loopingEffectOffset towards Kh_angle[Kh_index] degrees)
- Unit - Create 1 Kh_dummyType for Kh_owner[Kh_index] at Kh_tempLoc facing Kh_angle[Kh_index] degrees
- Set Kh_dummyCount = (Kh_dummyCount + 1)
- Set Kh_dummy = (Last created unit)
- Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of Kh_dummy using Kh_loopingEffectModel
- Set Kh_dummyModel[(Custom value of Kh_dummy)] = (Last created special effect)
- Custom script: call SetUnitScale(udg_Kh_dummy, udg_Kh_loopingEffectScale[udg_Kh_level[udg_Kh_index]], 0, 0)
- Custom script: if UnitAddAbility(udg_Kh_dummy,'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_Kh_dummy,'Amrf') then
- Custom script: endif
- Custom script: call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_Kh_dummy, udg_Kh_loopingEffectHeight[udg_Kh_level[udg_Kh_index]],0)
- Custom script: call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_Kh_dummy,R2I(udg_Kh_loopingEffectPitchAngle))
- Unit - Add a Kh_loopingEffectTime second Generic expiration timer to Kh_dummy
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Kh_tempLoc)
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
- Set Kh_tempLoc = (Kh_startPoint[Kh_index] offset by Kh_reachedDistance[Kh_index] towards Kh_angle[Kh_index] degrees)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Terrain pathing at Kh_tempLoc of type Kh_missilePathType is off) Equal to False
Then - Actions
- Custom script: call SetUnitX(udg_Kh_missileHead[udg_Kh_index], GetLocationX(udg_Kh_tempLoc))
- Custom script: call SetUnitY(udg_Kh_missileHead[udg_Kh_index], GetLocationY(udg_Kh_tempLoc))
- Set Kh_realTimer2[Kh_index] = (Kh_realTimer2[Kh_index] - Kh_timerSpeed)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- Kh_realTimer2[Kh_index] Less than or equal to 0.00
Then - Actions
- Set Kh_realTimer2[Kh_index] = Kh_missileEffectInterval
- Unit - Create 1 Kh_dummyType for Kh_owner[Kh_index] at Kh_tempLoc facing Kh_angle[Kh_index] degrees
- Set Kh_dummyCount = (Kh_dummyCount + 1)
- Set Kh_dummy = (Last created unit)
- Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of Kh_dummy using Kh_missileEffectModel
- Set Kh_dummyModel[(Custom value of Kh_dummy)] = (Last created special effect)
- Custom script: call SetUnitScale(udg_Kh_dummy, udg_Kh_missileEffectScale[udg_Kh_level[udg_Kh_index]], 0, 0)
- Custom script: if UnitAddAbility(udg_Kh_dummy,'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_Kh_dummy,'Amrf') then
- Custom script: endif
- Custom script: call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_Kh_dummy, udg_Kh_missileEffectHeight[udg_Kh_level[udg_Kh_index]],0)
- Custom script: call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_Kh_dummy,R2I(udg_Kh_missileEffectPitchAngle))
- Unit - Add a Kh_missileEffectTime second Generic expiration timer to Kh_dummy
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
- Unit - Create 1 Kh_dummyType for Kh_owner[Kh_index] at Kh_tempLoc facing Kh_angle[Kh_index] degrees
- Set Kh_dummyCount = (Kh_dummyCount + 1)
- Set Kh_dummy = (Last created unit)
- Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of Kh_dummy using Kh_missileModel
- Set Kh_dummyModel[(Custom value of Kh_dummy)] = (Last created special effect)
- Custom script: call SetUnitScale(udg_Kh_dummy, udg_Kh_missileScale[udg_Kh_level[udg_Kh_index]], 0, 0)
- Custom script: if UnitAddAbility(udg_Kh_dummy,'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_Kh_dummy,'Amrf') then
- Custom script: endif
- Custom script: call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_Kh_dummy, udg_Kh_missileHeight[udg_Kh_level[udg_Kh_index]],0)
- Custom script: call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_Kh_dummy,R2I(udg_Kh_missilePitchAngle))
- Unit Group - Add Kh_dummy to Kh_missileGroup[Kh_index]
- Set Kh_tempGroup = (Units within Kh_damageMissileRadius[Kh_level[Kh_index]] of Kh_tempLoc)
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Kh_tempGroup and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Set Kh_pickedUnit = (Picked unit)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Kh_pickedUnit is dead) Equal to False
- (Kh_pickedUnit is A flying unit) Equal to False
- (Kh_pickedUnit is Magic Immune) Equal to False
- (Kh_pickedUnit is in Kh_damagedGroup[Kh_index]) Equal to False
- (Kh_pickedUnit belongs to an ally of Kh_owner[Kh_index]) Equal to False
Then - Actions
- Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the Kh_damageMEffectAttachment of Kh_pickedUnit using Kh_damageMissileEffect
- Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
- Unit - Cause Kh_caster[Kh_index] to damage Kh_pickedUnit, dealing Kh_damageMissile[Kh_level[Kh_index]] damage of attack type Kh_attackType and damage type Kh_damageType
- Unit Group - Add Kh_pickedUnit to Kh_damagedGroup[Kh_index]
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Loop - Actions
- Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_Kh_tempGroup)
Destructible - Pick every destructible within Kh_damageMissileRadius[Kh_level[Kh_index]] of Kh_tempLoc and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Set Kh_tempDest = (Picked destructible)
- Custom script: if IssueTargetOrderById(udg_Kh_harvester, 852018, udg_Kh_tempDest) then
- Destructible - Kill Kh_tempDest
- Custom script: endif
Loop - Actions
- Custom script: call IssueImmediateOrderById(udg_Kh_harvester,udg_Kh_stopOrder)
- Set Kh_reachedDistance[Kh_index] = (Kh_reachedDistance[Kh_index] + Kh_missileSpeed[Kh_level[Kh_index]])
Else - Actions
- Set Kh_reachedDistance[Kh_index] = Kh_distance[Kh_index]
- Set Kh_tempLoc2 = (Kh_startPoint[Kh_index] offset by Kh_distance[Kh_index] towards Kh_angle[Kh_index] degrees)
- Custom script: call SetUnitX(udg_Kh_missileHead[udg_Kh_index], GetLocationX(udg_Kh_tempLoc2))
- Custom script: call SetUnitY(udg_Kh_missileHead[udg_Kh_index], GetLocationY(udg_Kh_tempLoc2))
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Kh_tempLoc2)
If - Conditions
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Kh_tempLoc)
Else - Actions
- Set Kh_tempLoc = (Position of Kh_missileHead[Kh_index])
- Unit - Create 1 Kh_dummyType for Kh_owner[Kh_index] at Kh_tempLoc facing 0.00 degrees
- Set Kh_dummyCount = (Kh_dummyCount + 1)
- Set Kh_dummy = (Last created unit)
- Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of Kh_dummy using Kh_explosionEffectModel[1]
- Set Kh_dummyModel[(Custom value of Kh_dummy)] = (Last created special effect)
- Custom script: call SetUnitScale(udg_Kh_dummy, udg_Kh_explosionEffect1Scale[udg_Kh_level[udg_Kh_index]], 0, 0)
- Unit - Add a Kh_explosionEffectTime[1] second Generic expiration timer to Kh_dummy
- Unit - Create 1 Kh_dummyType for Kh_owner[Kh_index] at Kh_tempLoc facing 0.00 degrees
- Set Kh_dummyCount = (Kh_dummyCount + 1)
- Set Kh_dummy = (Last created unit)
- Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of Kh_dummy using Kh_explosionEffectModel[2]
- Set Kh_dummyModel[(Custom value of Kh_dummy)] = (Last created special effect)
- Custom script: call SetUnitScale(udg_Kh_dummy, udg_Kh_explosionEffect2Scale[udg_Kh_level[udg_Kh_index]], 0, 0)
- Unit - Add a Kh_explosionEffectTime[2] second Generic expiration timer to Kh_dummy
- Unit - Create 1 Kh_dummyType for Kh_owner[Kh_index] at Kh_tempLoc facing 0.00 degrees
- Set Kh_dummy = (Last created unit)
- Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of Kh_dummy using Kh_dustEffectModel
- Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
- Custom script: call SetUnitScale(udg_Kh_dummy, udg_Kh_dustEffectScale[udg_Kh_level[udg_Kh_index]], 0, 0)
- Custom script: if UnitAddAbility(udg_Kh_dummy,'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_Kh_dummy,'Amrf') then
- Custom script: endif
- Custom script: call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_Kh_dummy, udg_Kh_dustEffectHeight[udg_Kh_level[udg_Kh_index]],0)
- Unit - Add a Kh_dustEffectTime second Generic expiration timer to Kh_dummy
- Animation - Change Kh_dummy's animation speed to Kh_dustEffectAnimSpeed% of its original speed
- Set Kh_tempGroup = (Units within Kh_damageExplosionRadius[Kh_level[Kh_index]] of Kh_tempLoc)
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Kh_tempGroup and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Set Kh_pickedUnit = (Picked unit)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Kh_pickedUnit is dead) Equal to False
- (Kh_pickedUnit is Magic Immune) Equal to False
- (Kh_pickedUnit belongs to an ally of Kh_owner[Kh_index]) Equal to False
Then - Actions
- Unit - Cause Kh_caster[Kh_index] to damage Kh_pickedUnit, dealing Kh_damageExplosion[Kh_level[Kh_index]] damage of attack type Kh_attackType and damage type Kh_damageType
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Loop - Actions
- Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_Kh_tempGroup)
Destructible - Pick every destructible within Kh_damageExplosionRadius[Kh_level[Kh_index]] of Kh_tempLoc and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Set Kh_tempDest = (Picked destructible)
- Custom script: if IssueTargetOrderById(udg_Kh_harvester, udg_Kh_harvestOrder, udg_Kh_tempDest) then
- Destructible - Kill Kh_tempDest
- Custom script: endif
Loop - Actions
- Custom script: call IssueImmediateOrderById(udg_Kh_harvester,udg_Kh_stopOrder)
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Kh_tempLoc)
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Kh_startPoint[udg_Kh_index])
- Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_Kh_damagedGroup[udg_Kh_index])
- Custom script: call IssueImmediateOrderById(udg_Kh_caster[udg_Kh_index],udg_Kh_stopOrder)
- Set Kh_curTransparency[Kh_index] = 0.00
- Set Kh_stageID[Kh_index] = 2
If - Conditions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
Else - Actions
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Kh_startPoint[udg_Kh_index])
- Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_Kh_damagedGroup[udg_Kh_index])
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Kh_missileGroup[Kh_index] is empty) Equal to True
Then - Actions
- Set Kh_curTransparency[Kh_index] = 100.00
Else - Actions
- Set Kh_curTransparency[Kh_index] = 0.00
If - Conditions
- Set Kh_stageID[Kh_index] = 2
If - Conditions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- Kh_stageID[Kh_index] Equal to 2
Then - Actions
- Set Kh_curTransparency[Kh_index] = (Kh_curTransparency[Kh_index] + Kh_missileFadeSpeed[Kh_level[Kh_index]])
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- Kh_curTransparency[Kh_index] Less than 100.00
Then - Actions
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Kh_missileGroup[Kh_index] and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Set Kh_dummy = (Picked unit)
- Animation - Change Kh_dummy's vertex coloring to (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with Kh_curTransparency[Kh_index]% transparency
Loop - Actions
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Kh_missileGroup[Kh_index] and do (Actions)
Else - Actions
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Kh_missileGroup[Kh_index] and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Unit - Kill (Picked unit)
Loop - Actions
- Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_Kh_missileGroup[udg_Kh_index])
- Set Kh_stageID[Kh_index] = 5
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Kh_missileGroup[Kh_index] and do (Actions)
If - Conditions
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- Kh_stageID[Kh_index] Equal to 3
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Current order of Kh_caster[Kh_index]) Equal to Kh_orderID
Then - Actions
- Set Kh_realTimer[Kh_index] = (Kh_realTimer[Kh_index] - Kh_timerSpeed)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- Kh_realTimer[Kh_index] Less than or equal to 0.00
Then - Actions
- Animation - Change Kh_caster[Kh_index]'s animation speed to Kh_throwAnimationSpeed[Kh_level[Kh_index]]% of its original speed
- Animation - Play Kh_caster[Kh_index]'s Kh_throwAnimation animation
- Set Kh_realTimer[Kh_index] = Kh_throwDelay[Kh_level[Kh_index]]
- Set Kh_stageID[Kh_index] = 4
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Else - Actions
- Special Effect - Destroy Kh_attachedEffect[Kh_index]
- Sound - Stop Kh_lastSound[Kh_index] Immediately
- Set Kh_stageID[Kh_index] = 5
If - Conditions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- Kh_stageID[Kh_index] Equal to 4
Then - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- (Current order of Kh_caster[Kh_index]) Equal to Kh_orderID
Then - Actions
- Set Kh_realTimer[Kh_index] = (Kh_realTimer[Kh_index] - Kh_timerSpeed)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- Kh_realTimer[Kh_index] Less than or equal to 0.00
Then - Actions
- Animation - Change Kh_caster[Kh_index]'s animation speed to 100.00% of its original speed
- Special Effect - Destroy Kh_attachedEffect[Kh_index]
- Set Kh_tempLoc = (Position of Kh_caster[Kh_index])
- Set Kh_startPoint[Kh_index] = (Kh_tempLoc offset by Kh_releaseEffectOffset towards Kh_angle[Kh_index] degrees)
- Unit - Create 1 Kh_dummyType for Kh_owner[Kh_index] at Kh_tempLoc facing Kh_angle[Kh_index] degrees
- Set Kh_dummyCount = (Kh_dummyCount + 1)
- Set Kh_dummy = (Last created unit)
- Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of Kh_dummy using Kh_releaseEffectModel
- Set Kh_dummyModel[(Custom value of Kh_dummy)] = (Last created special effect)
- Custom script: call SetUnitScale(udg_Kh_dummy, udg_Kh_releaseEffectScale[udg_Kh_level[udg_Kh_index]], 0, 0)
- Custom script: if UnitAddAbility(udg_Kh_dummy,'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_Kh_dummy,'Amrf') then
- Custom script: endif
- Custom script: call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_Kh_dummy, udg_Kh_releaseEffectHeight[udg_Kh_level[udg_Kh_index]],0)
- Custom script: call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_Kh_dummy,R2I(udg_Kh_releaseEffectPitchAngle))
- Unit - Add a Kh_releaseEffectTime second Generic expiration timer to Kh_dummy
- Custom script: set udg_Kh_missileGroup[udg_Kh_index] = CreateGroup()
- Custom script: set udg_Kh_damagedGroup[udg_Kh_index] = CreateGroup()
- Set Kh_tempLoc2 = (Kh_tempLoc offset by Kh_missileStartOffset towards Kh_angle[Kh_index] degrees)
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Kh_tempLoc)
- Unit - Create 1 Kh_dummyType for Kh_owner[Kh_index] at Kh_tempLoc2 facing Kh_angle[Kh_index] degrees
- Set Kh_dummyCount = (Kh_dummyCount + 1)
- Set Kh_missileHead[Kh_index] = (Last created unit)
- Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the origin of Kh_missileHead[Kh_index] using Kh_missileHeadModel
- Set Kh_dummyModel[(Custom value of Kh_missileHead[Kh_index])] = (Last created special effect)
- Custom script: call SetUnitScale(udg_Kh_missileHead[udg_Kh_index], udg_Kh_missileHeadScale[udg_Kh_level[udg_Kh_index]], 0, 0)
- Custom script: if UnitAddAbility(udg_Kh_missileHead[udg_Kh_index],'Amrf') and UnitRemoveAbility(udg_Kh_missileHead[udg_Kh_index],'Amrf') then
- Custom script: endif
- Custom script: call SetUnitFlyHeight(udg_Kh_missileHead[udg_Kh_index], udg_Kh_missileHeadHeight[udg_Kh_level[udg_Kh_index]],0)
- Custom script: call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(udg_Kh_missileHead[udg_Kh_index],R2I(udg_Kh_missileHeadPitchAngle))
- Unit Group - Add Kh_missileHead[Kh_index] to Kh_missileGroup[Kh_index]
- Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Kh_tempLoc2)
- Sound - Stop Kh_lastSound[Kh_index] Immediately
- Sound - Play Kh_releaseSound at 100.00% volume, attached to Kh_caster[Kh_index]
- Set Kh_reachedDistance[Kh_index] = Kh_missileStartOffset
- Set Kh_realTimer[Kh_index] = 0.00
- Set Kh_realTimer2[Kh_index] = Kh_missileEffectInterval
- Set Kh_stageID[Kh_index] = 1
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
Else - Actions
- Special Effect - Destroy Kh_attachedEffect[Kh_index]
- Sound - Stop Kh_lastSound[Kh_index] Immediately
- Set Kh_stageID[Kh_index] = 5
If - Conditions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- Kh_stageID[Kh_index] Equal to 5
Then - Actions
- Set Kh_angle[Kh_index] = Kh_angle[Kh_maxIndex]
- Set Kh_attachedEffect[Kh_index] = Kh_attachedEffect[Kh_maxIndex]
- Set Kh_caster[Kh_index] = Kh_caster[Kh_maxIndex]
- Set Kh_damagedGroup[Kh_index] = Kh_damagedGroup[Kh_maxIndex]
- Set Kh_lastSound[Kh_index] = Kh_lastSound[Kh_maxIndex]
- Set Kh_level[Kh_index] = Kh_level[Kh_maxIndex]
- Set Kh_missileGroup[Kh_index] = Kh_missileGroup[Kh_maxIndex]
- Set Kh_missileHead[Kh_index] = Kh_missileHead[Kh_maxIndex]
- Set Kh_owner[Kh_index] = Kh_owner[Kh_maxIndex]
- Set Kh_reachedDistance[Kh_index] = Kh_reachedDistance[Kh_maxIndex]
- Set Kh_realTimer[Kh_index] = Kh_realTimer[Kh_maxIndex]
- Set Kh_realTimer2[Kh_index] = Kh_realTimer2[Kh_maxIndex]
- Set Kh_stageID[Kh_index] = Kh_stageID[Kh_maxIndex]
- Set Kh_startPoint[Kh_index] = Kh_startPoint[Kh_maxIndex]
- Set Kh_maxIndex = (Kh_maxIndex - 1)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- Kh_maxIndex Equal to 0
Then - Actions
- Trigger - Turn off Kamehameha Dummy <gen>
- Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
Else - Actions
- Set Kh_index = (Kh_index - 1)
If - Conditions
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
Loop - Actions
For each (Integer Kh_index) from 1 to Kh_maxIndex, do (Actions)
And one more, the dummy that fly from about 200 is only the main missiles
If you need more info, just say...
Last edited: