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how to order cast spells?

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Level 13
Mar 24, 2010
k i need to be able to cast reveal but thats not on the gui list of things that can be casted so i know theres a script for it but i forget the number.

this is the script for casting flare at a location point
set location to Point1

call IssuePointOrderByIdLoc (GetLastCreatedUnit(), 852060, udg_Point1)

but i need the number code for reveal and how do i find such a thing out?
Level 10
Jul 12, 2009
but i need the number code for reveal and how do i find such a thing out?

Give a unit the spell and put it in a map.

Make a trigger like this:
  • Get Order ID
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit is issued an order targeting a point
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Custom script: call BJDebugMsg(I2S(GetIssuedOrderId()))
Play the map and make the unit cast the ability. Write down the number.
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