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How To Make A Terrain Buildable

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Level 3
May 20, 2008
How to make a terrain buildable because i need it for my map. i need to make dalaran black marble tile buildable.
Level 13
May 11, 2008
he's not talking about altering the terrain in the map editor but altering it during gameplay i'm pretty sure. like the maze builder map if i am correct.
edit: actually maybe i'm not...heh heh. well I WOULD like to know how to do that.

sure i could take some guesses at it but if someone knew a proven way to do it and would show me, all the better

and by the way...where precisely do you make a tile buildable/unbuildable? i have the advanced editor and thte terrain editor part is the most difficult part for me. i had to have someone show me over messenger how to add tile types to a tileset for example.
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