How to make a Spell auto-cast a Spell? +Rep {auto-cast a spell every X seconds}

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Level 4
Sep 30, 2007
Hey, im trying to make the Totem from WoW called "Healing Stream Totem".
It heals all party members by >??< to >??<.

What i want is to make the Totem (Unit) cast a Chain Healing spell every third second, the Totem has the abilities "Locust and Invulnerable".

I have no idea how to start so plz help fast^^
Try this:
Get a different spell that is auto-castable and remove all effects from it. Then, have the spell you want casted and put that on a Dummy Unit. Put in a trigger saying that when a unit uses the Auto-castable spell, it creates the Dummy unit, orders it to cast its spell, then removes the unit from the game. This should work, so good luck.
Level 11
Jul 28, 2007
Make custom spell from human "Heal" spell.
Remove all stats from it and call it "Chain Heal".
Create "Totem Unit" and add "Chain Heal" to "Totem Unit" ; mark "Chain Heal" ability as autocast for this unit.
Also add Healing Wave from Shaman Hunter to "Totem Unit".
Make trigger when unit casts "Chain Heal" order casting unit to cast Healing Wave on target unit of ability being cast.
I think this is it. Similar as post above.
Tell us if Loctus will cause problems.
Level 7
Sep 5, 2006
there's a auto heal from healing fountain already. You can change it to ally only and the healing per second.
Level 9
May 28, 2007
there's a auto heal from healing fountain already. You can change it to ally only and the healing per second.


However, if you want "exact" mechanics from WoW, you should probably look into the Essence of Blight (under Undead). It's an area of effect heal to nearby allies, and it can be used as a dummy spell for the healing stream totem.

The trick is to make the totem cast it.
One way to go about this is to create a trigger like this:

Periodic Event - every 2 seconds
set tempGroup = AllUnitsOfType(HealingStream)
Pick Every Unit in tempGroup and do Actions
- Unit - Issue Order with No Target - Undead-Essence of Blight
Custom Script: call DestroyGroup(udg_tempGroup)

tempGroup has to be a global variable.. hopefully you're familiar with leaks and how to clean them.
Level 4
Sep 30, 2007
I am going to try the "Heal" and the trigger makes it "Chain Heal" and can someone show me the Link for the Tutorial for the Auto-cast spells? I cannot find it on "Tutorials" section . . .

Will edit for results :thumbs_up:

EDIT: It did work, thanks all for the Great help ^^ +Rep
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Make custom spell from human "Heal" spell.
Remove all stats from it and call it "Chain Heal".
Create "Totem Unit" and add "Chain Heal" to "Totem Unit" ; mark "Chain Heal" ability as autocast for this unit.
Also add Healing Wave from Shaman Hunter to "Totem Unit".
Make trigger when unit casts "Chain Heal" order casting unit to cast Healing Wave on target unit of ability being cast.
I think this is it. Similar as post above.
Tell us if Loctus will cause problems.

Didn't I just say that in the post above you, only without saying specifically the "Heal" spell and saying dummy unit instead of the casting unit casting it? However, I find the idea of the same unit casting it interesting.

When you create the totem, don't forget to make it classified as a ward. That will stop the player being able to see the mechanics behind the ability of the Totem, which will be desired. Good luck!
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