How to find absolute 0-360 angle? (and in radian)

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Level 13
Mar 29, 2012
What if I have:
x = 540 (same as 180)
x = 630 (same as 270)

I wanted x to be just around 0-360

How do I achieve this?

And please explain this in radian too 'cause that's my main purpose to learn :)

In radian:
x = 3π (in degree, it's 540 which is same as 180)

x should only be around 0-2π

x modulos y => it will always ensure the result is positive and between 0 and y.

Here is the implementation with examples from blizzard.j.
// Calculate the modulus/remainder of (dividend) divided by (divisor).
// Examples:  18 mod 5 = 3.  15 mod 5 = 0.  -8 mod 5 = 2.
function ModuloInteger takes integer dividend, integer divisor returns integer
    local integer modulus = dividend - (dividend / divisor) * divisor

    // If the dividend was negative, the above modulus calculation will
    // be negative, but within (-divisor..0).  We can add (divisor) to
    // shift this result into the desired range of (0..divisor).
    if (modulus < 0) then
        set modulus = modulus + divisor

    return modulus

// Calculate the modulus/remainder of (dividend) divided by (divisor).
// Examples:  13.000 mod 2.500 = 0.500.  -6.000 mod 2.500 = 1.500.
function ModuloReal takes real dividend, real divisor returns real
    local real modulus = dividend - I2R(R2I(dividend / divisor)) * divisor

    // If the dividend was negative, the above modulus calculation will
    // be negative, but within (-divisor..0).  We can add (divisor) to
    // shift this result into the desired range of (0..divisor).
    if (modulus < 0) then
        set modulus = modulus + divisor

    return modulus
Tell if there's need for some more explanation.
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