Could you just give your "Pac-Man" unit the Devour ability, set it to a very low cool down and then make the "Dots" units edible? A solution similar to this would not require any triggers.
Regrading your signature i belive we have a section on modeling tools: thats it.I need Modeling Tools Plz Helps Me!
How do you make a picture of the trigger is it a system in the fourm or is it a SS?Trigger: Oh Noes
Unit - A unit Is issued an order targeting an object
(Issued order) Equal to (Order(devour))
(Unit-type of (Targeted unit)) Equal to Dot
Sound - Play YourSound
can you import sound?
another good option in self recording a sound like get your microphone and put it in front of the speaker while playing pacman online
How do you make a picture of the trigger is it a system in the fourm or is it a SS?
this is how i would do it, give the dots an attack that does no damage, has no cooldown, has no animation, no soundset, an attack that is basically invisible. then make its attacking range about the same as a footmans, maybe a little smaller:
i mean, thats really easy, no spells required and also you can tag on any points or whatever needed, oviously your ghosts will need to be allies with your dots tho
- Oh Noes
- Events
- Unit - A unit Is attacked
- Conditions
- (Unit-type of (Attacking unit)) Equal to [B]Dot[/B]
- (Attacked unit) Equal to [B]Pacman[/B]
- (Distance between (Position of (Attacking unit)) and (Position of (Attacked unit))) Less than or equal to 1.00
- Actions
- Unit - Remove (Attacking unit) from the game
- Sound - Play YourSound
Umm i think you got your trigger wrong.....ill highlite the stuff i think is wrong.
They should be switched around.
(Unit-type of (Attacking unit)) Equal to PacMan
(Attacked unit) Equal to Dot
Correct me if im wrong.
no hes saying that, when u go over the dot, the dot attacks pacman automatically cause its an enemy then gets removed if it does.
also the sounds to be added, with an attacking pacman or dot or a range event it does it all in one trigger. the fact of this is, there are probably 15-20 ways of doing this correctly and its personal preference which one is used.