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How to disable mouse click unit movement?

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Level 6
Jun 1, 2008
I searched around and found no systems that can disable movement of unit by mouse.

I am going to input arrow keys movement into my game but i want to prevent players from moving their units using their mouse, which defeats the purpose of the game.

Anyone with any ideas? :eekani:
Level 11
Mar 8, 2006
Check my map is in map developmant the Warcraft 3 Wrestling it has movemant from keyboard if u meant that with no move speed.

U will need 3 triggers

One for player presses up arrrow key it sets the conditions for go.
One action trigger when u move the unit in front of it while u play his walk animation.
One for player realases up arrow key when the unit it stops.
And u set the movespeed to 0 from object manager.

There is a call set unit animation by index to play the walk animation or any even if u stay.
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