how to detect units attack damage?

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Level 7
Jan 30, 2011
i want to create the lurker from starcraft 1 in wc3 and i have a problem with the lurkers attacks
for those who dont know the lurkers attacks:
it hits all units in a line infront of him
the line begins at the lurker (not at the attacked unit!) and ends at the maximum attack range

i wanted to solve it this way:
the lurker has a normal 1-target attack, that deals as much damage, as every single unit in the line should take at the end
a trigger triggers when a unit is damaged by the lurker and is supposed to apply the damage to all units in the line

the problem is, that the units can have different types and amounts of armor, so the damage varies
Level 7
Jan 30, 2011
i'm not making a map, i'm just making that lurker^^
but that means theres no way to savely detect the attack damage of a unit without databasing every possible damage bonus (auras, buffs, items, etc)?
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