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how to detect unit attack damage b4 atk

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Level 11
Oct 20, 2007
how to detect unit attack damage before attack
So in my situation,
i got a Hero, at random level, taking random item that possible add attack damage to my hero.

so i want make a skill which deal 500% attack damage to target when casted a spell.
How should i count to damage?

Extra Case:"
if i have many many different item to add unit damage (so dun ask me check item condition)
have some skill to add attack damage - from itself or other unit.(so dun ask me also check buff condition)
or else got a easy condition can check all item condition or buff condition
Level 11
Oct 20, 2007
add critical strike with 100% chance and 500% damage to your hero when the ability is cast and remove it after he attacked
ermmm, i mean i shot the skill like storm bolt got missile arc and reach i cause 500% dmg.
ermmm, u mean that like berserk get effect after cast??

but nvm its not a point.

the point is it easy to cause bug.
for example, the hero been stun before u attack? it gone?
or begin attack i remove it? so when attacked will it mutliply?(use wait action?)
if begin attack i remove it(havent attacked target),but been stunned then no effect d?

or you could take his primary atribute, add any attack bonuses he gets from items, add his starting attack power, and then multiply by 5. The problem with this is that the system would have to be huge and you would need to feed it lots of info regarding spicific unit types and item types.
yes this could be work, but it really waste time, i want a better way xD
or better abandon :cry:
Level 11
Oct 20, 2007
oh, thx
time isn't a problem, bcoz i do a map
1st step
do skill
do dmg
3rd system

so now the spell only done 40%
and i having a school exam until thurday also xD

I think no need already xD
because of a skill make a big big system xD
better take a easy work to get base damage + main attribute.
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