It's just jass :]
And this is what we are talking about - Weather is an effect in Warcraft3 and thus variable of that type are called Weather Effect.
You are using JNGP right? As the tags used in the extract are Vjass and so need jass helper to precompile them down to proper jass WC3 can use.Sorry to say but when i copied the trigger over to my map it kept coming up with an error saying that it expected variables for the different kinds of weather.
instead of GetPlayableMapRect()
.Oh dear... Someone seems to have forgoten (or not realised) that arguments for events are evaluated only when the event constructor is called. As such it will have a predictable perodic time every map session but that period would be random between map sessions.Time - Every (90.00 + (Random real number between 0.00 and 90.00)) seconds of game time