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How to change the Dead Hero Limit?

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Level 9
Feb 16, 2011
Is there a way to remove the dead hero limit? the altars can't seem to keep more than 7 dead heroes, when a team's 8th hero dies one of the previous 7 dead heroes is removed from the game.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
If there is an easy workaround it should be in gameplay constants.

If not, I think it gets complicated. You have to fake that the hero is actually dead. Firstly we need to display the disabled version of the hero icon on screen. There was a system for this, I think it was called DGUI or something. And then we have to fake the corpse too, but that's easy. Spawn a unit of the same unit type, add locust and order to play death animation.
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