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How to Change a Unit's Move/Regen/Armor (etc...) Type

Level 5
Jan 5, 2017

  • The solutions use the functions And/Or/Xor which can be found in GUI when comparing integers.
  • Use the numbers corresponding to certain unit properties (e.g. 2 = MOVE_TYPE_FLY) in your triggers (list is at the bottom of the tutorial)
  • (Recommended) Use an integer variable to get the value from their name (list is at the bottom of the tutorial)

PROBLEM: How to check or change certain properties of a unit

Can mix multiple values:
  • Movement type (Foot, Fly, etc.) -- Apparently a unit can have any combination of move types... I don't know what the purpose is though
  • Targeted as (Ground, Air, Structure, etc.)
  • Unit category (Undead, Peon, Ward, Tauren, etc.)
  • Pathing prevented by (Unwalkable, Unflyable, etc.)
Can only have one value:
  • Armor type (Flesh, Metal, Wood, etc.)
  • Defense type (Hero, Fortified, Heavy, etc.)
  • Regeneration type (None, Always, Blight, Day, Night)
  • Primary hero stat (Strength, Agility, Intelligence)
To CHECK if a unit is classified as "Undead":

if (BlzBitAnd(BlzGetUnitIntegerField(myUnit, UNIT_IF_UNIT_CLASSIFICATION), GetHandleId(UNIT_CATEGORY_UNDEAD)) != 0) then
// Unit is undead
// Unit is not undead

To ADD the unit category "Undead" to a unit (does nothing if it already has it):

call BlzSetUnitIntegerField(myUnit, UNIT_IF_UNIT_CLASSIFICATION, BlzBitOr(BlzGetUnitIntegerField(myUnit, UNIT_IF_UNIT_CLASSIFICATION), GetHandleId(UNIT_CATEGORY_UNDEAD)))

To REMOVE the "Undead" category from a unit (does nothing if it already does not have it):

call BlzSetUnitIntegerField(myUnit, UNIT_IF_UNIT_CLASSIFICATION, BlzBitAnd(BlzGetUnitIntegerField(myUnit, UNIT_IF_UNIT_CLASSIFICATION), -1 - GetHandleId(UNIT_CATEGORY_UNDEAD)))

To TOGGLE the "Undead" category of a unit (switch it to the opposite of its current value):

call BlzSetUnitIntegerField(myUnit, UNIT_IF_UNIT_CLASSIFICATION, BlzBitXor(BlzGetUnitIntegerField(myUnit, UNIT_IF_UNIT_CLASSIFICATION), GetHandleId(UNIT_CATEGORY_UNDEAD)))

To CHECK if a unit is classified as "Undead":


To ADD the unit category "Undead" to a unit (does nothing if it already has it):


To REMOVE the "Undead" category from a unit (does nothing if it already does not have it):
Make sure you get the final expression right: -1 - TempInt (negative one minus TempInt)


To TOGGLE the "Undead" category of a unit (switch it to the opposite of its current value):


PROBLEM: How to convert one of these constants into an integer (e.g. MOVE_TYPE_FLY -> 2)

local integer i = GetHandleId(MOVE_TYPE_FLY)

PROBLEM: How to convert an integer into one of these constants (e.g. 2 -> MOVE_TYPE_FLY)

local movetype mt = ConvertMoveType(2)

PROBLEM: How to use these values with a hashtable

Use the two methods above to store the constant as an integer and then convert it back

For example,

// Save the value
call SaveInteger(myHashtable, parentKey, childKey, GetHandleId(MOVE_TYPE_FLY))
// Load the value
local movetype mt = ConvertMoveType(LoadInteger(myHashtable, parentKey, childKey))


Be aware that not all of these operations are guaranteed to work!
In some instances, such as changing a unit's defense type, it may be necessary to reselect the unit to update its UI.

List of Constants
    constant movetype       MOVE_TYPE_UNKNOWN               = ConvertMoveType(0)
    constant movetype       MOVE_TYPE_FOOT                  = ConvertMoveType(1)
    constant movetype       MOVE_TYPE_FLY                   = ConvertMoveType(2)
    constant movetype       MOVE_TYPE_HORSE                 = ConvertMoveType(4)
    constant movetype       MOVE_TYPE_HOVER                 = ConvertMoveType(8)
    constant movetype       MOVE_TYPE_FLOAT                 = ConvertMoveType(16)
    constant movetype       MOVE_TYPE_AMPHIBIOUS            = ConvertMoveType(32)
    constant movetype       MOVE_TYPE_UNBUILDABLE           = ConvertMoveType(64)
    constant targetflag     TARGET_FLAG_NONE                = ConvertTargetFlag(1)
    constant targetflag     TARGET_FLAG_GROUND              = ConvertTargetFlag(2)
    constant targetflag     TARGET_FLAG_AIR                 = ConvertTargetFlag(4)
    constant targetflag     TARGET_FLAG_STRUCTURE           = ConvertTargetFlag(8)
    constant targetflag     TARGET_FLAG_WARD                = ConvertTargetFlag(16)
    constant targetflag     TARGET_FLAG_ITEM                = ConvertTargetFlag(32)
    constant targetflag     TARGET_FLAG_TREE                = ConvertTargetFlag(64)
    constant targetflag     TARGET_FLAG_WALL                = ConvertTargetFlag(128)
    constant targetflag     TARGET_FLAG_DEBRIS              = ConvertTargetFlag(256)
    constant targetflag     TARGET_FLAG_DECORATION          = ConvertTargetFlag(512)
    constant targetflag     TARGET_FLAG_BRIDGE              = ConvertTargetFlag(1024)
    constant defensetype    DEFENSE_TYPE_LIGHT              = ConvertDefenseType(0)
    constant defensetype    DEFENSE_TYPE_MEDIUM             = ConvertDefenseType(1)
    constant defensetype    DEFENSE_TYPE_LARGE              = ConvertDefenseType(2)
    constant defensetype    DEFENSE_TYPE_FORT               = ConvertDefenseType(3)
    constant defensetype    DEFENSE_TYPE_NORMAL             = ConvertDefenseType(4)
    constant defensetype    DEFENSE_TYPE_HERO               = ConvertDefenseType(5)
    constant defensetype    DEFENSE_TYPE_DIVINE             = ConvertDefenseType(6)
    constant defensetype    DEFENSE_TYPE_NONE               = ConvertDefenseType(7)
    constant heroattribute  HERO_ATTRIBUTE_STR              = ConvertHeroAttribute(1)
    constant heroattribute  HERO_ATTRIBUTE_INT              = ConvertHeroAttribute(2)
    constant heroattribute  HERO_ATTRIBUTE_AGI              = ConvertHeroAttribute(3)
    constant armortype      ARMOR_TYPE_WHOKNOWS             = ConvertArmorType(0)
    constant armortype      ARMOR_TYPE_FLESH                = ConvertArmorType(1)
    constant armortype      ARMOR_TYPE_METAL                = ConvertArmorType(2)
    constant armortype      ARMOR_TYPE_WOOD                 = ConvertArmorType(3)
    constant armortype      ARMOR_TYPE_ETHREAL              = ConvertArmorType(4)
    constant armortype      ARMOR_TYPE_STONE                = ConvertArmorType(5)
    constant regentype      REGENERATION_TYPE_NONE          = ConvertRegenType(0)
    constant regentype      REGENERATION_TYPE_ALWAYS        = ConvertRegenType(1)
    constant regentype      REGENERATION_TYPE_BLIGHT        = ConvertRegenType(2)
    constant regentype      REGENERATION_TYPE_DAY           = ConvertRegenType(3)
    constant regentype      REGENERATION_TYPE_NIGHT         = ConvertRegenType(4)
    constant unitcategory   UNIT_CATEGORY_GIANT             = ConvertUnitCategory(1)
    constant unitcategory   UNIT_CATEGORY_UNDEAD            = ConvertUnitCategory(2)
    constant unitcategory   UNIT_CATEGORY_SUMMONED          = ConvertUnitCategory(4)
    constant unitcategory   UNIT_CATEGORY_MECHANICAL        = ConvertUnitCategory(8)
    constant unitcategory   UNIT_CATEGORY_PEON              = ConvertUnitCategory(16)
    constant unitcategory   UNIT_CATEGORY_SAPPER            = ConvertUnitCategory(32)
    constant unitcategory   UNIT_CATEGORY_TOWNHALL          = ConvertUnitCategory(64)
    constant unitcategory   UNIT_CATEGORY_ANCIENT           = ConvertUnitCategory(128)
    constant unitcategory   UNIT_CATEGORY_NEUTRAL           = ConvertUnitCategory(256)
    constant unitcategory   UNIT_CATEGORY_WARD              = ConvertUnitCategory(512)
    constant unitcategory   UNIT_CATEGORY_STANDON           = ConvertUnitCategory(1024)
    constant unitcategory   UNIT_CATEGORY_TAUREN            = ConvertUnitCategory(2048)
    constant pathingflag    PATHING_FLAG_UNWALKABLE             = ConvertPathingFlag(2)
    constant pathingflag    PATHING_FLAG_UNFLYABLE              = ConvertPathingFlag(4)
    constant pathingflag    PATHING_FLAG_UNBUILDABLE            = ConvertPathingFlag(8)
    constant pathingflag    PATHING_FLAG_UNPEONHARVEST          = ConvertPathingFlag(16)
    constant pathingflag    PATHING_FLAG_BLIGHTED               = ConvertPathingFlag(32)
    constant pathingflag    PATHING_FLAG_UNFLOATABLE            = ConvertPathingFlag(64)
    constant pathingflag    PATHING_FLAG_UNAMPHIBIOUS           = ConvertPathingFlag(128)
    constant pathingflag    PATHING_FLAG_UNITEMPLACABLE         = ConvertPathingFlag(256)


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Level 27
Feb 2, 2006
Ehm, I have tried to change the unit field of movement type to fly/amphibious but the unit could not walk on water afterwards. This tutorial only shows how to combine multiple values but not how to make the changes working? The same for primary attributes. I changed the unit field for a hero but it had no effect.