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How do you give a building a multi-attack? (Risk/GREECE Style)

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Level 4
May 20, 2011
Hey Guys,

Here once again seeking wisdom, I've run into a predicament where as I'm trying to develop my Map (Which is similar in nature to Risk, Greece, Lords Of Europe, and so forth) I'm having difficulties in trying to determine how to allow my buildings, which will need to be captured from Hostiles, to attack. I'd like for them to be able to attack 8 units for a moderate deal of damage. I've been able to get it working somewhat but what is strange to me is the following I've observed.

I have an ability based on Barrage, have set it to attack Ground Units and so forth and thus far have seen it as functional. But at the same time I have given my building itself an attack, and strangely, the Barrage ability will not work if I do not give the Unit the same exact stats as a normal attack. I'd prefer there to be only one if that is possible; either to have just the Building with an Attack that has multi-shot functionality built-in to itself, or a Building with solely an ability. Is this possible? How would it be done?

I've also noticed that the building won't attack multiple units unless it has the custom Barrage but it will only perform the damage given to the building itself and not the ability, as seen in the difference between 5 damage and 10 damage provided in the images below, why is this? And as hitherto is it possible to just have one or the other working?

Thanks so much in advance!


Below this Line is the Building Stats **************************************************************

Below this Line is the Ability Stats ***********************************************************
Level 10
Sep 16, 2016
But at the same time I have given my building itself an attack, and strangely, the Barrage ability will not work if I do not give the Unit the same exact stats as a normal attack

I dont get this part at all? What attack? Only critical strike, bash, orb attack modifiers can negate barrage's ability.

About your building: Your modified data on the attack of the unit/building is useless at many places, AOE of attack only affects when missile splash, maximum number of target is for missile bounce. Target allowed should be enemies, ground, air... (1 is not enough).

About barrage ability: If you want the barrage damage to be the same as original attacks, bonus damage should be 1. The maximum damage is for balacing purpose. Please make sure the player has the appropriate upgrade for barrage (in your case - defense).
Level 4
May 20, 2011
In regards to your comment on "But at the same time I have given my building itself an attack, and strangely, the Barrage ability will not work if I do not give the Unit the same exact stats as a normal attack" from my previous text, The Barrage ability has Damage and such things in its Stats as seen in the Images, but on top of this I gave the Building an Attack, with its own stats. And it seems like one won't work without the other.
Level 10
Sep 16, 2016
They do. In your case, Barrage add multiple targeting attacks with the number of targets is 10 (1 for building normal attack, 1 for barrage ability, 8 for maximum number of targets) in the aoe of 500; bonus for each target is 10 (+base building's attack of 6 = 16). Make sure you add the barrage ability to your tower and set the player's upgrade available.

If you want barrage to deal the same amount as normal attack damage, set damage bonus and total damage to 0.
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