How do I make this triggers..

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Level 2
Dec 4, 2007
I need help with my map, kinda exciting to make the map but I want to know how to make these triggers:
Hero pick from four taverns with the commands: -Ap, -Ar, -Repick, -pt 60 (Point scale),-time 60 (60 minutes / Can be changed). You may edit these triggers yourself IF i can trust you.

An creep spawn, like creepin' in woods when they're dead, they revive after an ammount of time.

How to make creep waves? :confused:

And the last one: Working with variables, does the name even matter i mean how do they work :p

The Ideas and thoughts of my map is found here:


  • RS_Castle_Wars_-_TFT_editn.w3x
    398.3 KB · Views: 65
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Making creep waves is really simple.
I am assuming you know kinda how to use GUI? I don't have WE open right now.

Make a timer, and a region (region where you want the units to spawn)
Make the timer periodic, so it expires every X seconds.
Make a unit array and make each one (from 0 to the # of waves there will be) is the wave number for example wave one would be Felguards, set your array [0] to be a felguard.
Make an int variable called wave number. But wave number one would be 0, two would be 1, three would be 2 etc.

In your spawn trigger, make it so when *timer* expires, to start a "for each integer A" loop where integer A is how many creeps you want to spawn.
Then in the loop put spawn 01 *unitarrayvariable*[*intwavenumber*] at center of region.

Hope this helped :p
Level 2
Dec 4, 2007
Making creep waves is really simple.
I am assuming you know kinda how to use GUI? I don't have WE open right now.

Make a timer, and a region (region where you want the units to spawn)
Make the timer periodic, so it expires every X seconds.
Make a unit array and make each one (from 0 to the # of waves there will be) is the wave number for example wave one would be Felguards, set your array [0] to be a felguard.
Make an int variable called wave number. But wave number one would be 0, two would be 1, three would be 2 etc.

In your spawn trigger, make it so when *timer* expires, to start a "for each integer A" loop where integer A is how many creeps you want to spawn.
Then in the loop put spawn 01 *unitarrayvariable*[*intwavenumber*] at center of region.

Hope this helped :p

Okay, thats complicated for me, sure I know something about GUI triggers but could you edit it on the map, I can PM you what should be on the waves :) Just a question, I will try your suggestion.
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