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How can we mod Reforged textures and tilesets?

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Level 7
Jul 1, 2008
I would love to start modding reforged textures and tilesets but I can't see any tutorials on how to do this, the rules seem to have changed for Reforged and none of the old ways work anymore.

- Where can I find the textures I need to replace?
- How can I extract them?
I would love to start modding reforged textures and tilesets but I can't see any tutorials on how to do this, the rules seem to have changed for Reforged and none of the old ways work anymore.

- Where can I find the textures I need to replace?
- How can I extract them?

i have them from old beta. Add me on discord my name there is Kantarion#4126,join W3U i am active there its easy to see me in chat

Check my gallery here
Media for user: kantarion | HIVE

Got some plans to mix reforged with my resources for better purism.
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