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Hiding a Unit for one player?

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Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
Damn it... I am working on very...very...very...complicated triggers but I don't know what to do...
Alright...This is what I will be doing...
For those who played HoN (Heroes of Newerth???) and LoL (League of Legends) I got an interested on how they do the Vending System.

I got the idea how to do it by buying a vendor item and the vendor will pop up and when deselects, the vendor will disappear...
The only thing I want to know is...How to hide a unit from OTHER Players.
Example...I have selected X Vendor from the Main Vendor (Goblin Merchant)
Vendor X will pop up and Vendor X can be only seen by me.
Level 13
Sep 14, 2008
A lot of maps solve this by creating units with no model, no shadow and placing them directly on the "main vendor".
Then you just select that unit for the right player and it will look like the original vendor is still selected but you can buy different things.

I hope i understood you right there :)
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
A lot of maps solve this by creating units with no model, no shadow and placing them directly on the "main vendor".
Then you just select that unit for the right player and it will look like the original vendor is still selected but you can buy different things.

I hope i understood you right there :)


I got this idea first, but I want the Protrait model...That's why I need another stuffs (Triggers)
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
hmm I never thought about that before but what happens to the portrait model if you set "model - scaling" to something REALLY small like 0.01?

I didn't use the World editor for some time (being busy playing LoL).

Well you know what I mean by this vending system since you play LoL
BTW... Still it can be seen and can be click...
Hmmmmmmm... Let me try it... Let's see if it will work.
Level 13
Sep 14, 2008
I am not sure if you got my idea:

If you set the model scaling to 0.01 (or the lowest possible)
then the model should be extremly small (best would be nearly invisible)

If the portrait model stays in the normal size you could just use the unit as the new store as the model can hardly be seen (or selected) but it stil has its portrait.

You could also try making it fly REALLY high with the offset thing so nobody would be able to see it...
Level 11
Aug 1, 2009
The only way to do this is by altering the vertex color to 0 for anyone other than GetLocalPlayer().

I think the vertex color can be only seen by the owner of the vendor which is Player 6 and 12 in my case....
Can you teach me how to hide units using GetLocalPlayer()???

BTW Pharaoh...Looks like times came pass by. Never heard of you since last 6 months.
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