Hi, I'm new here

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Level 2
Aug 14, 2010
Hi, I'm new to the hive, I've been playing warcraft 3 for a while, but never thought about trying new models or stuff, I used to get my stuff ffrom wc3c, but now I decided to join this community and try to contribute in some areas.

Even though I may be new in this community, I'm not new to warcraft 3 or map making, I don't have modelling skills or photoshop skills, but I know how to make decent melee maps. I allways come up with crazy ideas for maps but I never get to apply them. :slp:

I'm not a pro in triggering, but I know basic triggering and more.
I've been working on a melee map since 2 days ago, I was wondering If I can submit it? :grin:
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