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Hi, I got here from the Map Faq. May we unprotect ,maps?

Should regular map editing people be allowed to unprotect maps so they can submit them to this web s

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Level 3
Jan 10, 2004
Hi, I have this map I want to work on but it has its triggers missing or corrupted, I think the author might have used the export triggers deal or one of the other tricks you mention in your list to try to thwart people from editing it. But the map is seriously deficient and it is a beta. Would you be able to provide a web page or a downloadable program users of your website could use to unprotect maps? The map authors I am sure would not just give me an unprotected version if I asked directly. Rather they might be offended since they bothered to protect the map to begin with.

Also I have questions about how to use the map editor without needing the Warcraft III cd-rom in the drive. I like to listen to cd music and stuff and used to do this on my macintosh in the past. But now I have a Windows XP computer. And how would I incorporate the icons, skins and units into maps? I see that you have like the ninja unit submitted by someone. I understand how to copy a unit from one map to another, but what would I do just import the unit somehow? It wouldn't replace the Blademaster would it? It would be a custom unit, the ninja for example.

Your website looks very nice. I have a couple of melee maps available for download on my web page, feel free to download them and to host them here if you wish. They are of course unprotected. I also feel that the internet as a whole is public domain, that we are all netizens who should be here for the benefit of one another and our work should be shared and if someone would like to see how something works we shouldn't be afraid to show it.

So please let me know how I could perhaps use a web form or download a program to unprotect maps please. I want to specifically look at the map beta of tides of blood. There are many versions on battle.net right now anyhow. I want to provide more technowledgy and unit options. The cash seems to just stack up without enough tools to use. Thanks for making such a nice web site. :p
Level 3
Jan 10, 2004
I uploaded my maps.

But how can I edit other maps I get on battle.net? Like if I play a map and then try to edit it and it says the trigger files are missing or corrupted then the trick is probably that they messed with the headers of the map file like it says in your review of map protections. The problem is that if I submit a map that was not edited by me then I am responsible for that map and I want to be sure that it is a good map for submission first. I don't understand everything about all of the custom scriptings and jass and the art tools but I know how to put buildings and auto-make items for sale and I would like to learn about how AI functions work and how units which are automatically generated are then triggered into actions by particular maps I play.

I e-mailed you Darky the map I wish to unprotect. It was however just over 1 MB in file size I noticed later, sorry if it took too much room on your e-mail. But please let us know if there is a way for us to edit maps out here. I have some MPQ editor from some old Map FAQ link but I think that site is no longer listed and I can't figure out how to use the dogon command prompt thing. So please help us figure out how to unprotect maps. Or maybe provide us with a way to use your script but to select an option that we didn't author the map so an unprotected version could be made available privately just to members for example. OK bud, take care.
Level 2
Jan 18, 2004

Couple of months ago i a wrote map unprotecting program. I works only with RoC maps, but maybe it can be usefull to you:

Since then i stopped developing this program. So there will probably no tft version.
What is interesting is that with some of the maps it can restore gui triggers!!!

You can also download source code, but i doubt it will be helpfull to anyone because most of it is just spaghetti code :wink:

Best Regards
Level 3
Jan 10, 2004
Darky you are the man.

Hey Darky you are a great guy. And if you make more spaghetti which might help unprotect Frozen Throne maps it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot for replying to my message because I have had some serious problems with my Windows XP and have had to reformat my hard drive and lost the link to your web site. Could you e-mail me your web site's home page as well as some other like minded web sites which are pro-unprotecting please? I have absolutely no interest in protecting my maps. I want anyone to be able to copy units and items in my maps or to be able to add or modify items in them. It is always polite to rename the file name with their own name however and the description in the scenerio so that on battle.net all versions remain available to players and other's versions don't get overwritten during play when people don't backup their favorite maps. I am [email protected] and I have a webpage at http://home.comcast.net/~quiztar/ and I have uploaded my two maps to your web site. One is an edit of Blizzard's demo map deadlock and the other is called Stovo~Kor Heaven of the Fighters a friend made and he had me work on.
Level 1
Jan 22, 2004
Darky i don't think wants just anyone to open protected maps, he knows the crap that goes on battle net like wintermaul where people make one edit and write there name on it, sometimes making an un-just advantage for the player in hoam was editing the map and to he or he friends.
Thus is why darky probley at this time will remain from releasing a map un protector to the public, not matter why dire the excuses are :) :) :eek:
Level 3
Jan 10, 2004
So what does it take then?

What does it take to become not just anyone anymore? I don't change maps for the reasons you say and The purpose I want to see inside some of the more advanced maps today is so I can build similar maps with different layouts and different units but which run much the same. If you see a map such as tides of blood running or an AOS or battle for icecrown and you say wow I would enjoy building a map such as this but don't know how these things are done, wouldn't it be nice to take some time to study it? Sure it might take a while but the end result would be worth it if you contribute a work worth something to the game community. When will you people realize that not everyone is out to break maps?
Level 1
Jan 24, 2004
Hey just new to this website.

I'v been wondering how to unprotect maps aswell.

Your UnproteQtor is useful.

Too bad your not making anymore versions, for TFT, etc. :(

Anyways, there's probaly a few RoC maps I want to look at.

And I voted Yes on the poll.
Level 2
Jan 18, 2004

I just released one final version. It fixes "Out of Memory" problems with some maps.

Best Regards

Level 1
Dec 18, 2003
I dont know, cause if i have made a great map, and some kiddie mapper think they must copy this map and write there name into the credits but "foget" to write my name into them :(
but i dont know...
though, i dont voted :)
Level 2
Jan 23, 2004
What does it take to become not just anyone anymore? I don't change maps for the reasons you say and The purpose I want to see inside some of the more advanced maps today is so I can build similar maps with different layouts and different units but which run much the same. If you see a map such as tides of blood running or an AOS or battle for icecrown and you say wow I would enjoy building a map such as this but don't know how these things are done, wouldn't it be nice to take some time to study it? Sure it might take a while but the end result would be worth it if you contribute a work worth something to the game community. When will you people realize that not everyone is out to break maps?

that's why you should ask the author of the map.



Level 2
Feb 17, 2004
Re: So what does it take then?

Quiztar said:
What does it take to become not just anyone anymore? I don't change maps for the reasons you say and The purpose I want to see inside some of the more advanced maps today is so I can build similar maps with different layouts and different units but which run much the same. If you see a map such as tides of blood running or an AOS or battle for icecrown and you say wow I would enjoy building a map such as this but don't know how these things are done, wouldn't it be nice to take some time to study it? Sure it might take a while but the end result would be worth it if you contribute a work worth something to the game community. When will you people realize that not everyone is out to break maps?

Wouldn't it be nice if all people on b.net thought so too, right now, as iNVaLiDSyNTaX said. Some people seems to "forget" to give credits to the orginal maker.
Level 3
Jan 10, 2004
Welp if original makers would post their maps to enough...

Original makers of maps have options to provide for the boxout of these little nuanced changed maps of theirs. Lots of the good folks come out here to the web to communicate and get their maps and if folks would be smart about things and host maps out of a separate directory from the download directory and mapmakers would get their maps posted to more than single map websites so that the original versions of their maps can be the first of their kind out there and being distributed widely and everyone could be told how to make these separate directories for hosting original maps on the web then these little in-game people who mess with maps and don't ask for permit from mapmakers wouldn't be such a pest.
Level 4
Feb 27, 2004

You are not permitted to unprotect protected maps just to upload them here on this side. The originally mapmaker may b dont want his map to be uploaded here or there r may b other reasons for protecting his map...

You and we all should respect the descisions of mapmakers when they dont want us to see their triggers!

//Edit: Even if I prefer unportected maps cuz otherwise u cannot learn anything :cry:
Level 3
Jan 10, 2004
Welp yawn

Many want proteection and there ain't no stopping them until Blizz puts their footies down lol which it don't look like too soon and the fact is that websites like this one are a dime a dozen and in order to attract more people you need to kind of teach people the how's of doing things and not just make them go fish like the map faq and the battle.net forums do. I have posted a response to Darky's new suggestions post at the top of his webpage here suggesting for his site to have a special tutorials area where a section of instructions on how to use the elements provided in this website may be incorporated into maps, kind of like a FAQ but not a faq hehe. Also have some noble mapmakers provide the community the service of providing darky with some good basic to more advanced maps with text files to go along with them which would be unprotected for new users to open and read well documented triggers which could be explained in detail so that the mapmaking learning curve could be crunched. Such a section could catapult this website into the mapmaking faq.]

You realize I am not here to just break into people's maps and steal them. I like to edit maps I am permitted to and the map editor SAYS people are supposed to edit already existing maps to learn. So why not by all means let's be friends and work as a team rather than want to fear one another or whatever you call it bucco. Happy days are here again. You can call me the Fonze ehh.
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