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hey people, i am new here

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Level 3
Dec 29, 2006
hey all.
I am watching this web site (the original with all the maps) for a long long time, and now i registed :p
I must say that most of the staff i see here are just amazing, far better than any crap i see in battle.net
My nick name in battle.net is:death_King666
Soon i will upload a map of mine to this web site(or to any other web site, so u can see it), i am just a noob comparison to you, but i hope for good responses :}
*My grammer is pretty bad :confused: so i hope i didnt make to much spelling mistakes.
i hope i didnt break any forum's rules, sorry if i did.
Level 3
Dec 29, 2006
Welcome d. I'm new here too and I agree, lotsa friendly peeps! Don't worry about the grammar, but do try your best.
We're looking forward to your map, What's it going to be about?
Thank you all for the great responses, i will probably upload the map in more few week because i am having a lot of home work right now :angry: sorry ;[
Any way, the map is a strategy map, it's base on the campaign's races/heroes. It's hard for me to explain every thing in english, so i will just wait until it's over.
Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
Welcome to The Hive Workshop.

I will be your tour guide for today at a all time low fee of $20..

And for an extra sum of $1000 i can minimize my abusive behavior.. $200 onto of that i can stop all abusive behavior..

Please enjoy your stay..

And watch your back.. There are some weird people here..
Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
Welcome, and don't listen to someone who's had -7 rep before (the_wand_mirror), listen to ragingspeedhorn because he can actually punish you :D

Naa. raging is a big pussy cat :D..

Maybe punish could be a good thing for him :p..

He could like it xD
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