Hey I need help creating a new map from taletnted terrian aritsist

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Level 2
Apr 16, 2008
Hello there!

I need help from talented terrian editors to make a new map for war3. I've alreayd done most of the heroes, but I can't handle doing all the terrian works necessariy to get this map off the ground.

It's meant to be a a 2v2v2v1v1 MAP (12 PLayers)

2 players play as Night Elf
2 Players play as Orc
2 PLayers play as Human
2 Players play as Undead
1 player plays as Pandaren
1 PLayer plays as Illidan's Forces.

Each team has 4+ heroes and each tem vides for control over the entire map.

It's based upon the Rivalry between Human and Horde

hence making it a 4v4 with 4 neutral opponents.

I REALLY just need to get the terrain in order (something like summoner's rift in League of Lengeds)

Please help me out (repond here, or at [email protected] or at astaroexploit on skype)....


Looking forward to working with you.
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