Hey All, Need Help desperately with this. (Ghost++)

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Level 4
May 20, 2011
Hey, recently gave configuring a Ghost++ 1.7 Bot a crude attempt (Couldn't find a DL for Ghost One, and all the FAQ on Codelain is nonexistent and broken.) Problem is i have the bot working properly but i cannot connect to my own games, haven't tested whether or not others can connect to it, will be tonight. I've been reading that you need to setup a Loopback Adapter... How the **** do you do this?! Like do you need your ISP to provide extra features to use to IPs or does it connect IPs? I've been scouring the web for info on this stuff and it's relation to Wc3 and it's scarce. If anyone could help me on setting this up it would be beyond appreciated. As i said, i cannot connect to my own games with the Ghost++ 1.7 bot; the bot is configured but i need help possibly setting up the Loopback, if there is another way to do this so i can connect to my own games please let me know (i'm considering experimenting with admin game).
**The Lack of Information and guides on this is driving me nuts!!!**
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
It might be that the bot is set up on your private IP. There's an easy way to find out.
Run cmd and type in "ipconfig". It will say lots of stuff, but what matters in this case is your IP. Is it in any of the ranges mentioned here? If so, it means that your modem/router is giving you a virtual IP to protect it from the possibility of someone trying to break in.
If you don't know much about your modem/router, then it's probably handled by your network provider and there's little you can do about it other than call them.
If it's your own modem and you can mess around with it, then you should google about how to forward ports. All this is assuming that you have a virtual/private IP, since that seems to be the most common reason for hosting problems.
Level 4
May 20, 2011
Okay, so i managed to figure out the problem in regards to connecting to myself, for anyone who finds this thread I did so by typing in my external IP to the Loopback Adapter's fake Ethernet, but my current problem is that it says the map i'm trying to host's .cfg (config file) is invalid yet if i try it with the default map it works. It's saying that the map download doesn't exist and therefore cannot provide it. Here is the full error message straight from the application.
Initial Error: "the currently loaded map config is invalid"
Second Error after a few workarounds states it can't be downloaded yet all the paths are correct.
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