• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!



The model this skin is based on is no longer available for download. The model was created by the talented Black_stan. Yes I have the model; NO I will not give it to you. Best of luck in your searches.

hero, ninja, girl, female, women, samurai, katana, blade

HeroNinja (Texture)

camel's_hump: quality skin.
Level 6
Apr 15, 2004
Not asian I presume, but a great skin nontheless. I dont think the idea was to make it look asian either though.
Level 1
Feb 23, 2006
Well this skin is EXCELLENT and all but its useless without the CORRECT model so if anyone wouldnt mind humoring me with the correct model, I would appreciate it ALOT! I tryed Black-stans Ninja hero model with the grey hair and I couldnt get it to work.
Level 3
Apr 5, 2006
Is there anyone out there who knows this skin's model? it's so good but i have no idea what skin i should replace it with :cry:
Level 2
Feb 25, 2006
yeah please say wich model should be used to assign the skin :?

I love this skin, wanna use it now, SAY THE MODEL!!!

EDIT: Ok, it worked. Use Black Stan's Hero Ninja, but instead importing the blp file from Black Stan import this one, and it'll work.
Level 1
Mar 17, 2008
I don't understand how to import it. I did everything it says but i cant find the unit in the unit manager or anything??? I cant understand it, i click on model file and i try to choose the heroninja.blp file but it only lets me open mdx/mdl files???

Do i need the model file aswell? If so, where can i get it?

I'm really stuck and i know that its probably a really stupid mistake and its right in front of my eyes but i'm not gonna figure this out without someones help, so please help me! :(
Level 1
Jul 14, 2009
:thumbs_up: DAMN i love that skin but im trying to put it on my map but it only shows an shade T_T
btw: your undeadrouge is cool too could you try to make an undead warlock with the WoW t5 set? GJ keep your good work up :thumbs_up:

but please help me with the paths i need to use and how i can import it bcs im stuck :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
well thanks if you can help me :spell_breaker::pal:
Level 15
Aug 13, 2004
It was sometime in the autumn of 2005; the modeler known as Black_Stan was producing exquisite custom models for wc3 that he chose to publish on this very site. While the original textures for these models were confidently painted, I believed venues existed for my own interpretations of the skins. Thus I chose a few of his more choice models and began to retexture them. However, as I completed each skin, an interested item I noticed. Much the same as my other skins, while the textures were highly praised, the downloads were typically in limited amounts.

Thinking perhaps that my style did not appeal to the average downloader of wc3 skins, I decided to gander at the most downloaded textures on the website. What I glimpsed was that the most used skin on wc3sear.ch was "Shandris" by Black_Stan himself. It was at this point I considered the difference between this skin and every other texture I had ever created; it was of a woman. Not to demerit the texture in any way, it is very well done. But it seemed rational in my mind to consider that the average visitor was intoxicated by the textures more "risque" features (read the comments if you don't believe me). It was for this reason that I decided that I would conduct an experiment. I would create my own "sexy" warrior texture and observe the result.

Simply put, I was staggered by the popularity of the skin. It is, and has been for a quite a while, the second most downloaded texture on this website. A fact made more bizarre by the fact that only a couple of months after the release of this skin, Black_Stan removed all the custom models my textures were made for from this site. This popularity led me to rather hollow feeling. I had wished for people to appreciate my work for its merit, and not simply because I had managed to produce an attractive female. While I'm glad to claim this texture as my own, I would never consider it one of my better works.

Excuse me, you'll have to excuse the ramblings of a drunk fool.
Level 8
Apr 8, 2009
seriously. what is the use of making this beautifull skin, when the model required for it isnt given?

its good that someone found the model in a pack on net somewhere.....