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hero limit

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Level 4
May 6, 2012
y thanks i know that i can do that and btw i said that i have use limit training heros so please 1st read the post and than reply. i dont want to limit 1 hero only . i want to make all heroes disappear from altar once 1 hero is picked. so next time please 1st read the thread and than reply i dont need useless answers.
Level 13
Sep 13, 2010
  • Player - Limit training of Heroes to 1 for Player 1 (Red)
as I said. This applies for the WHOLE COUNT OF HEROES OWNED BUT INSTEAD AMOUNT OF 3 IT WILL WORK AT AMOUNT OF 1! ONCE YOU HAVE A HERO OTHER HERO ICONS WILL BE HIDDEN AS YOU WANTED! So next time please first test things others say and then reply if it fucking don't work. I don't like to post something twice.
Level 4
May 6, 2012
  • Player - Limit training of Heroes to 1 for Player 1 (Red)
as I said. This applies for the WHOLE COUNT OF HEROES OWNED BUT INSTEAD AMOUNT OF 3 IT WILL WORK AT AMOUNT OF 1! ONCE YOU HAVE A HERO OTHER HERO ICONS WILL BE HIDDEN AS YOU WANTED! So next time please first test things others say and then reply if it fucking don't work. I don't like to post something twice.

i've tested that and i said that it doesnt work. i have a trigger of limits i have limited my buildings and added that too but it doesnt work can u understand that? go and check yourself. i have deprotected version too.
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Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
I can't check triggers at the moment cus I'm about to go sleep;-). But if nothing works, something creative like creating a 2nd altar as an upgrade of the first one might work. After training 1 hero, you will let a trigger upgrade the altar (or replace it). And that 2nd one doesn't have the hero's in its trainlist in the object editor.
Or you could use items like a Marketplace has, and make those items tomes. When they acquire those items you summon a hero with a trigger.
Many ways to improvise. I guess you should try out to see what you like and try to find a short option.:)
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Level 13
Sep 13, 2010


  • OH YOU DONT SAY!.w3x
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  • Oh you....png
    Oh you....png
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Level 4
May 6, 2012
man i dont want to say that about you guys who really want to help me but i said it doesnt work i have a trigger limit where i have pick all players in group and do actions. where i have 50+ limit trigger for picked players and i've added there limit hero to 1 for picked player and it doesnt work.

EDIT : i made for only player 1 and still doesnt work now i'll make new trigger for that :|

EDIT : still doesnt work. oh btw i have custom heroes and custom altar .

EDIT : i'll give u map check yourself. if u are too lazy to go to my thread which i have in signature (i have removed that limit trigger so dont say that it doesnt work cause i dont have it.)


  • Clash of Forces 0.67 alpha.w3x
    534.8 KB · Views: 38
Everyone here is right in a way, it does and doesn't work.
Please if your going to help someone, do not get upset/angry just because they can't figure it out since you weren't able too as well.

You see the limit of heroes can only work if you add them into the hardcoded code AKA gameplay constants. Custom heroes are not recgonized by normal means meaning you have to manually add them which I did for you however I only did human and nightelf for you.

Everything works, and there is no reason to be rude to anyone. Okay?

Oh, and by the way it is unprotected not deprotected as well your triggers could use improvement since they are quite messy which also might cause more memory useage.


  • Clash of Forces 0.67 alphahere.w3x
    549.5 KB · Views: 35
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Level 4
May 6, 2012
y thats what i though that was bcause they were custom and sorry again for that i was upset cause i wrote it about 4-5 times and they still said that i'm not right. and i dont know how to make triggers better thats why i havent yet if u can help i'll be very glad
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