Hero Icon & Dialog Button
Alrighty, so I've made 6 heroes.
2 For Terran, 2 For Protoss, and 2 For Zerg.
Terran and Protoss icons are showing just fine.
The zerg however are not. I just have a blue icon/button in the bottom right corner of my screen. I've checked the actor data for my zerg heroes and the icons are correctly set to a zergling/hydralisk. Is there anything I'm missing in the actor data for this to happen?
The Dialog Button.
I have my four menus, each one creates their own buttons. Problem is one button is created and is in the top left corner of the Research and Hero menus, but I can't find which one it is.
For the Research Menu, I thought it happened because of the two separate racial skill buttons I have in it (2 Buttons that will apply 1 upgrade specific to the player's race) Like this:
I have my trigger for creating buttons for the hero menu like this(i cut off the zerg and protoss parts, because its the same thing):
Alrighty, so I've made 6 heroes.
2 For Terran, 2 For Protoss, and 2 For Zerg.
Terran and Protoss icons are showing just fine.
The zerg however are not. I just have a blue icon/button in the bottom right corner of my screen. I've checked the actor data for my zerg heroes and the icons are correctly set to a zergling/hydralisk. Is there anything I'm missing in the actor data for this to happen?
The Dialog Button.
I have my four menus, each one creates their own buttons. Problem is one button is created and is in the top left corner of the Research and Hero menus, but I can't find which one it is.
For the Research Menu, I thought it happened because of the two separate racial skill buttons I have in it (2 Buttons that will apply 1 upgrade specific to the player's race) Like this:
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
- (Race of player (Triggering player)) == Protoss
- Dialog - Create a Button for dialog ResearchMenu
- Variable - Set ResearchButton[0] = (Last created dialog item)
- Dialog - Set ResearchButton[0] size to (300, 50) for PlayerClickedReasearhc
- Dialog - Set ResearchButton[0] text to "Racial Upgrade #1" for PlayerClickedReasearhc
- Dialog - Set ResearchButton[0] tooltip to "Recieve one of the three upgrades: ..." for PlayerClickedReasearhc
- Dialog - Move ResearchButton[0] to (50, 50) relative to Top Left of dialog for PlayerClickedReasearhc
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
- (Race of player (Triggering player)) == Zerg
- Dialog - Create a Button for dialog ResearchMenu
- Variable - Set ResearchButton[0] = (Last created dialog item)
- Dialog - Set ResearchButton[0] size to (300, 50) for PlayerClickedReasearhc
- Dialog - Set ResearchButton[0] text to "Racial Upgrade #1" for PlayerClickedReasearhc
- Dialog - Set ResearchButton[0] tooltip to "Recieve one of the three upgrades: ..." for PlayerClickedReasearhc
- Dialog - Move ResearchButton[0] to (50, 50) relative to Top Left of dialog for PlayerClickedReasearhc
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
- (Race of player (Triggering player)) == Terran
- Dialog - Create a Button for dialog ResearchMenu
- Variable - Set ResearchButton[0] = (Last created dialog item)
- Dialog - Set ResearchButton[0] size to (300, 50) for PlayerClickedReasearhc
- Dialog - Set ResearchButton[0] text to "Racial Upgrade #1" for PlayerClickedReasearhc
- Dialog - Set ResearchButton[0] tooltip to "Recieve one of the three upgrades: ..." for PlayerClickedReasearhc
- Dialog - Move ResearchButton[0] to (50, 50) relative to Top Left of dialog for PlayerClickedReasearhc
- Else
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
I have my trigger for creating buttons for the hero menu like this(i cut off the zerg and protoss parts, because its the same thing):
General - If (Conditions) then do (Actions) else do (Actions)
- (Race of player (Triggering player)) == Terran
- Dialog - Create a Button for dialog HeroMenu[0]
- Dialog - Set (Last created dialog item) size to (80, 80) for PlayerClickedButtonGroupPlayer
- Dialog - Set (Last created dialog item) tooltip to "Marine - Stronger Stimpack. Better ..." for PlayerClickedButtonGroupPlayer
- Dialog - Move (Last created dialog item) to (50, 0) relative to Left of dialog for PlayerClickedButtonGroupPlayer
- Variable - Set HeroButtonArray[0] = (Last created dialog item)
- Dialog - Create an image for dialog HeroMenu[0] with the dimensions (76, 76) anchored to Left with an offset of (50, 0) setting the tooltip to "" using the image Assets\Textures\btn-unit-terran-marine.dds as a Normal type with tiled set to True tint color White and blend mode Normal
- Dialog - Create a Button for dialog HeroMenu[0]
- Dialog - Set (Last created dialog item) size to (80, 80) for PlayerClickedButtonGroupPlayer
- Dialog - Set (Last created dialog item) tooltip to "Spectre - Your strongest sniper." for PlayerClickedButtonGroupPlayer
- Dialog - Move (Last created dialog item) to (50, 0) relative to Right of dialog for PlayerClickedButtonGroupPlayer
- Variable - Set HeroButtonArray[1] = (Last created dialog item)
- Dialog - Create an image for dialog HeroMenu[0] with the dimensions (76, 76) anchored to Right with an offset of (50, 0) setting the tooltip to "" using the image Assets\Textures\btn-unit-terran-spectre.dds as a Normal type with tiled set to True tint color White and blend mode Normal
- Dialog - Show HeroMenu[0] for PlayerClickedButtonGroupPlayer
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