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Hero Get Dialog At 15lvl

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Level 4
Feb 20, 2009
Hey, Im Creating Defence Of The Flag Map. And I Need, When The Hero Reach Level15, The Dialog "DialogGod" Shows or Him. I Tryed Like
  • Event - Unit Aquares Level
  • Condition - Don;t Found Any Condition For THis Event
  • -Action - Dialog - Show DialogRace For Player 1(red).
I Need it for The God ChR cHOSE.
When The Hero Reach lvl 15. The Dialogd box Says
Create New GOD Character
Continue With YOur Old Shit.
Level 17
Nov 18, 2008
  • Herothing
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Gains a level
    • Conditions
      • (Hero level of (Triggering unit)) Greater than or equal to 15
    • Actions
      • Dialog - Show YourDialog for (Owner of (Triggering unit))
+REP if I helped you please

That will also show every time the hero levels up after the hero reaches level 15
Just use Equal to 15.
And don't ask for rep.
Level 7
Oct 14, 2008
ah good point, so the final trigger would be:

  • God
    • Events
      • Hero - Hero gains a level
    • Conditions
      • (Hero level of (Triggering Unit)) Greater than or equal to 15
    • Actions
      • Dialog - Show YourDialog for (Owner of(Triggering Unit))
      • Trigger - Turn off (This Trigger)
As an alternative to turning off the trigger, you could add a new condition that checks a boolean variable which is an array, so this could function for multiple players.
Level 7
Oct 14, 2008
I'm not sure, but i think if a hero levels from 14-16 in one chunk of exp, it will skip level 15 altogether.. so that wouldn't work. Assuming I'm right.
Level 7
Oct 14, 2008
Yes darklord, that was my original idea, but what the topic of discussion is right now is that if you get a large enough chunk of exp to level you from 14-16 in one foul swoop, I believe it skips level 15 entirely, giving this trigger no chance to go off. I could be wrong though.
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