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Help with trigger

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Level 2
Dec 31, 2007
Hi. I´m making a map and I want a to have this possibility:
There are three factions in the map. I would want to make a trigger that gives me complete control over them (even building), but not to make them allies. You know, so that I can play it by myself or test all three factions at once instead of restarting for another faction. Thanks in advance.
Level 5
Mar 21, 2007
sorry. i don't think its possible to do that without making them your allies with adv. shared control. you could however, if your wanting to test them attacking eachother, make you some random faction, neutral. and make a trigger that makes each of the factions treat eachother like enemys. and then make them all treat you like an ally with shared adv. control. then you could test it like that?? or make a trigger so that if you only want to control 1 at a time, you could say (in game) -control faction 1. then it unallys you with the other factions and lets you only adv control that faction.
Level 2
Dec 31, 2007
I found a way!!!! If you go to the thing with the teams there´s a box right???
There is for example: Team 1 and then boxes like allies etc.
There are also boxes with unit control and adavnced control.
Adv. control needs unit control and alliance turned on.
Here´s the trick. Check alliance, then unit control and adv. control.
Then uncheck alliance and presto. You have unallied factions whose units and builders you can FULLY control.

Note: The words next to the boxes are not 100% correct. I have the Czech version (I want the english one, though) so I translate it the best I can.
Level 5
Mar 21, 2007
uhhh. mmmmmm. i don't think that works. have you tried it? because from what knowledge i have of that, thats not what it dose. that monitors what all the people in that force treat eachother as. (i could be wrong)
Level 2
Dec 31, 2007
I tried in the map and it worked. The WE unchecked only allies but not the adv. control. In the map I led 2 forces against eachother simultaniously.
But I did have to do force attack to attack a specific unit or attack move for them to attack themselves on the way.
Level 2
Dec 31, 2007
I tried the map again and the problems dissappeared. This could mean cool maps in the future. Whaddaya think???
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