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[Trigger] Help With Spell/Triggers

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Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
Well i wanted to make an archer hero and its ultimate is a skill called arrow rain.
I made a dummy with arrow model with height of 1000.0, the skill ive taken it from is Moonsoon, i wanted to trigger it like when hero casts this spell, 10 arrow dummies appear and i wanted their height to go down to 0.00 and then trigger them to attack or something so Moonsoon skill doesnt really attack targets.

Problem is i cant find the trigger to lower the arrow height to 0.00 to make a realistic arrow attack..Any help? Oh and the higher the skill lvl, the more arrows are spawned and the damage is higher, but is their a possibility to order the arrows to attack a target with X damage but without moving or stuff because theyre arrows...
Level 4
Dec 3, 2007
I dont really understand what your saying but i already made the flying units.

EDIT : Nvm i understand now, prob is arrow angle doesnt face down and only one arrow falls because ive made last created unit trigger thing, gotta add them to a unit group or variable...
Any help for the angle?
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