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Help with rpg Horse

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Level 1
Jun 27, 2009
I'm trying to make a ride-able horse in the world editor for my own first person rpg. Cool huh? My idea was to have it as an item called Reins of Horse, and the model be a riderless horse. So when you pick it up you move faster but can't enter like houses and etc.So my problem is how do I make it fast enough, and how can i make the rider appear taller? Thanks for reading and please answer.
Level 7
Mar 28, 2009
Well you can give the item a ability, for example endurance item ability so it makes you quicker, but make the Stats-Targets Allowed- Self, and if you want the model to show you put your model in teh endurance ability at
Art-Target- (Your Model)
Art-Target Attachment Point 1- origin (or for others http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/general-mapping-tutorials-278/how-to-attach-a-model-or-an-effect-to-a-unit-7314/ )

And for making the unit taller we will use triggers

Event-Unit- a unit Acquires an item

Condition-((Triggering unit) is a Hero) Equal to True
((Item-Type of(Item being manipulated)) Equal to (Your Item)

Action- Animation- Change (Triggering unit) flying height to (How High he will go) at (How fast he will go that high

Event-Unit- a unit Loses an item

Condition-((Triggering unit) is a Hero) Equal to True
((Item-Type of(Item being manipulated)) Equal to (Your Item)

Action- Animation- Change (Triggering unit) flying height to (How Low he will go) at (How fast he will go that Low
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