-How do I make and save multiple animations in milkshape and then make it so they can be played in WC3 Viewer or Magos?
You must remember what frames you want your animation to end. Eg.
Your stand 1, starts at frame 1, then ends at frame 80, write that down on a note pad somewhere or read what guesst said if your using hes exporter.
When your in the mdl after you export you can manually put the conversions in, it should be 1 keyframe x 41= the sequence in the mdl.
So if your thing starts at 1 and ends at 20, it would be 41,820.
Remember if your making more than one animations, make sure their keyframes are appart, eg.
The start of Stand 1 ends at 45, the Start of Stand 2 Starts at 55, this is to prevent animation screw ups.
Use this before you animate or your animations will screw up after export, and you can never fix this...trust me..iv spent hours on animating a single model and got majorly pissed off when i forgot to run Zero Joints.
-Also, how do I unwrap a texture on to a model? (Werewulf has explained this before but not in-depth to where I can fully understand it)
Add a new material, select a group then click assign so the material ID will attach to that group.
Then go up to the unwrap editor.
and select a group from the side(or use select faces), then go on your unwrap proggy thingy and select the group you have select to move its faces.
Yes, select the groups and click on regroup to merge them, they cant be separated so easily after that so be careful on what you merge unless your certain.
-Another thing, any tips for making a model's movements more lifelike? My animations look mechanical and unnatural. Which means... they're bad
Here's a picture of my model (The skeleton and the skeleton's attachments to model are worked out)
okay, look at this quick scribble sheet i did.
You see how a joint with the bone and comparing it to the organic formation of the creatures arm? Well study that abit.
The eyes, thats just a scibble, but if your making eyes, make sure they join like limbs from the main head bone so you can control the eye lids as a child (so they flow with the head and dont go nuts)
The head..lizard..worm things? dunno..but thats just a quick thing to show, remember that when a creature strikes, that is when they are fastest, so at that frame, make it short.
as for the leg thing, well i started running out of room but this is just a basic sequence i can remember, may be wrong though, anyway, the Black is one leg, the red is the other, this is how they move if they are going at the same time.
If you have a for legged creature, the basic design is that the back left follows the front right.