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Help with making a Unit Explode on death, cause damage to nearby units

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Level 4
Jul 18, 2009
Hey guys, i was wondering how you make it so a monster explodes on death and causes damage to nearby units. I'm using an abomination so i want to incorporate the Abomination (special) model so when he explodes you see the exploding abomination model as opposed to the explode effects you get when used on say a footmen.

So, if anyone can instruct me on how to,
1) Make the Abomination explode on/near death, and show the effects of the exploding abomination model already in WE.
2) When the Abomination explodes have it deal damage to nearby enemies.

I would be most gracious.
Level 14
Mar 4, 2009
you can use kaboom! (ability from goblin) and if you want you to his icon

make ability spellbook
ability in spellbook-kaboom

pick every player and do actions - disable spellbook for picked player

don't really know about you animation but ....

create the unit and use action - explode last created unit/ kill last created unit and play last created units (your animation)

or better

create special effect using (your unit model file)
-destroy last created special effect
Level 4
Jul 18, 2009
The unit is controlled by a computer player, he only uses abilities when i toggle them. So the spell book i dont think i need, but something like
life of triggering unit < or = 100
Order unit to Kaboom.
But that doesnt use the animation.
Level 4
Jul 18, 2009
  • Events
  • Unit - Abomination 0000 <gen> Takes Damage
  • Conditions
  • (Life of Abomination 0000 <gen>) less than or equal to 100.00
  • Actions
  • Unit - Order Abomination 0000 <gen> to Neutral - Kaboom! (Damage source)
  • Unit - Replace (Triggering unit) with a Abomination (cinematic) using the old unit's relative life and mana
  • Unit - Explode (Last replaced unit)
Seems to work.
Level 14
Mar 4, 2009
nice,btw i think you should use event units life becomes less than 100 or maybe less than 5% if you want


unit dies,create abomination at position of dying unit and explode last created unit (abomination) ,remove dying unit from the game

for removing leaks

set VariableTypePoint = (somewhere)
....use your VariableTypePoint as many times you want but dont change it until this custom script is done
Custom script:call RemoveLocation(udg_NameOfYourVariableTypePoint)
Level 4
Jul 18, 2009
Wow, i feel really stupid now, if you set abominations to explode they do the same thing.... sorry for wasting your time.... i thought i tried that and he just played his normal death, i guess my original trigger had an error. Sorry thanks for help though, and thanks for telling me how to fix leaks!
Level 2
Jul 23, 2009
im sure there is a trigger about when unit dies explode unit dealing xx dmg to xx raidus using spell type of damage.
Level 2
Jul 23, 2009
works without triggers too i think...

just use the ablity of Robo Goblins Damage upon Death

if he doesnt explode just use a simple trigger that causes the unit to explode on death and the event of creating (or life below %) of the abominations
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