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function PushCond takes nothing returns boolean
local real ex = GetUnitX(GetFilterUnit())
local real ey = GetUnitY(GetFilterUnit())
local real a = bj_RADTODEG * Atan2(ey - y, ex - x)
local real pap = anglePusher + 45
local real pam = anglePusher - 45
set anglePushed = a
return true
if (pusher != GetFilterUnit()) and (IsUnitInGroup(pusher, pushGroup) == false) and ((a > pam) and (a < pap)) then
return true
return false
Okay, so this seems to be a problem in my code. I narrowed it down by testing like this:
This worked:
But this didnt:
call SetUnitPosition(pusher, 0, 0)
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(units, x, y, r, Condition(function PushCond))
But this didnt:
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(units, x, y, r, Condition(function PushCond))
call SetUnitPosition(pusher, 0, 0)
So im pretty sure i made a mistake in the condition and my code wont go past it for some reason
How can i fix it?
And what im trying to do is make it so when a unit runs into another unit, it will push it forward
Actually, even when i delete everything in the condition or do "call ForGroup(units, function PushSetup)" with PushSetup having nothing in it, it still doesnt move the units if its after i call one of the group functions
Maybe im just missing something? lol i havent done jass in a while
This is solved!
Okay i think i solved this on my own lol
in globals I did
group units
group units = CreateGroup()
lol i feel so dumb