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Help with Icons

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Level 1
May 6, 2007
Alright, I'm normally really good with importing models, been using imported models form Hive and WC3S for a while, but I never got how to get icons to work properly. Its easy to import them, I'm having trouble with using the Disabled Icon correctly. For example. Lets say I have a hero, and I'm using an Icon from the site. When I go to learn it, its lit up, and it shows, but when I click to learn the same ability when I'm level 2, I shouldn't be able to (normally anyway), but the icon never goes disabled, instead its a nice green brick. Same goes for disabled upgrades, and silenceed abilities :emote_sad: .Some quick help on how to have it show the respective disabled icon would be a HUGE help. Thanks :emote_grin:.
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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
For Hero abilities simply setting the correct Object Editor field in the specific abllity should properly dislpay (correctly imported) icons. For example: a Paladin has the ability Holy Light.

Browse to:

Object Editor > Abilities > Standard Abilities > Human > Heroes > Holy Light > Art - Icon - Research

Set the value in that field to an icon that has been correctly imported and pathed.
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