This might help with the cam's
Name: The camera name is irrelevant; it is merely a familiar name for you to use.
Target X: The X location of the camera's target, on the Cartesian plane.
Target Y: The Y location of the camera's target, on the Cartesian plane.
Rotation: Rotation of the camera around the target. 0° is facing east, and 180° is facing west.
Angle of Attack: The angle that the camera is pointing towards the target.
Distance: The distance between the camera and the camera target.
Roll: Roll is the angle that the camera is turned. This can turn it upside down, or on its side.
Field of View: The width that the camera can see. Changing this value 'zooms' the camera in and out.
Far Clipping: Total distance that the camera can see. Anything past is shown as sky, or a horizon line.
Camera - Apply Camera Object (Timed)
Moves the players' current view to target camera. All of those cameras' values are applied. If you want to switch the view to a camera that you created, you would apply that camera. If you set a time limit, the player can see the camera view changing in position and height.
Camera - Pan Camera (Timed)
This pans the current view to a target location. All of the camera values remain the same. You do not need a second camera to pan the current view. You can pan the camera instantly, or set a time and it will scroll.
Camera - Pan Camera with Interpolated Height (Timed)
This also pans the camera, but it ensures that the view does not go below or through the terrain. Again, you do not need a second camera to pan the current view.
Camera - Pan Camera as Necessary (Timed)
This will pan the camera if necessary. If a player scrolls to the correct location by them self, this trigger will not interrupt. If a player scrolls to far, or not close enough, this trigger will correct it.
Camera - Set Camera Field (Timed)
This will set any camera field for the current view. It does not involve a second camera. Most any camera property can be changed with this trigger.
Camera - Rotate Camera Around Point
This rotates the current view around a target point. Note that, when you rotate around a point, it will always rotate at a Z offset of zero. Therefore, it will always rotate pointing at the ground. When creating your camera, if you plan to rotate the view, keep this in mind.
Camera - Lock Camera to Target Unit
The current view, or camera, will always follow target unit. The entire camera will pan as the unit moves. The player cannot change the view or scroll somewhere else. It will stay locked until you reset it.
Camera - Lock Camera Orientation to Target Unit
This locks the current view to a unit also, but does not move with the unit. The camera target moves with the unit, watching it wherever it goes, but your perspective stays in place.
Camera - Play Cinematic Camera
This trigger is more advanced. It runs the players current view through a predetermined path, saved in a cinematic.mdl file.
Camera - Stop Camera
Stops the current camera from moving. Does not stop swaying or shaking.
Camera - Reset Game Camera
This will reset the current camera to standard in game view. This is the same view you see when the game begins. Often this is used after manipulating cameras and scenes, and you would like to return to the game.
Camera - Change Camera Smoothing Factor
Changes the smoothing factor of how a camera scrolls.
Camera - Rest Camera Smoothing Factor
Resets the smoothing factor to default values.
Camera - Sway Camera Source
Sways the camera back and forth around the target. The target does not move, but your perspective does. Magnitude determines how far the camera will sway. Velocity determines how fast it will sway.
Camera - Sway Camera Target
Sways the camera target back and forth, keeping the origin of the source. The target moves, but your perspective does not. Magnitude determines how far the camera will sway. Velocity determines how fast it will sway.
Camera - Shake Camera
Shakes the entire current camera in all directions. If you wanted to simulate an earthquake, this is the trigger you would use. Magnitude determines how much the camera is going to shake.
Camera - Stop Shaking/Swaying Camera
The camera is going to sway or shake until you tell it to stop, using this trigger.
Camera - Extend/Shrink Camera Bounds
The camera bounds limit the players' ability to scroll around the map. You can increase or decrease the camera bounds with this trigger.
Camera - Set Camera Bounds
The camera bounds limit the players' ability to scroll around the map. With this trigger, you can limit the camera view to a region or area. The player would only be able to pan inside this region
Camera - Set Spacebar Point
When a player presses the space bar, the camera will snap to the center of the defined region.
Hope this help it took awile to write