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Help whith Campaign button

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Level 5
Oct 6, 2007
I need help whith my Campaign, my button to my map Magic City will not work. when i get to the campaign screen and press the button to Magic City i will go black and then go back to the Campaign screen. I have checked the button links on the Campaign editor. also when i have anoter map in the Campaign come befor Magic City it will not loade. I have spent to much time on macking Magic City to just give up on it. I will give extra +rep to anyone that can help.
Level 24
May 9, 2007
Hmm, your map may have been corrupted at some point in time.

It could also me that something is wrong with the path of the file.

I have a little trouble understanding what you are saying but I think that these might be valid suggestions.

I don't really know how campaigns work as I have never made one myself. . .

HINT: Try re-checking the links again.
Level 5
Oct 6, 2007
Hmm, your map may have been corrupted at some point in time.

It could also me that something is wrong with the path of the file.

I have a little trouble understanding what you are saying but I think that these might be valid suggestions.

I don't really know how campaigns work as I have never made one myself. . .

HINT: Try re-checking the links again.

I don't work. what if i Copy and past all the units, Doodads, triggers, and imported files to another map that is the same size as Magic City. it is going to be a bich to do but will it work
Level 17
Apr 13, 2008
I don't know what's your problem but if you go with recreating a map then you can export things from the editor, I don't have WE open right now (I'm waiting in a game lobby) but it should be under the edit menu in the trigger/object and so on editor.

I still think that your problem could be solved in some other way.
I suggest you to wait for someone else's reply or rephrase your problem because it took me a while to somewhat understand your problem. Pictures would help or posting your map.
Level 7
Jun 16, 2008
Kingzacery, the solution to your dilemma lies in the previous posts.
But I'd like to explain it a bit further:

Reason #1: Map's Link: Please, open up your campaign and check your campaign buttons. Make sure the specific button that leads to the "Magic City" has the Magic City as its link. If it does, then please read the below reason.

Reason #2: File Corruption: In this case, the dilemma becomes more serious, as the only cure for this is a back-up file, so create a file titled something like "Backup Folder" and save your Alpha maps there often.
As was said before,if this is the reason, stop editing the current version and use the default back-up provided by the world-editor in the folder "Test", which can be found in the Maps directory.

If the problem still repeats itself, make sure all your data (map files and campaigns) is safe and doesn't have any bugs (Corrupt data, unreadeable memory e.t.c) Do this by constantly testing new maps.
If most of your data has this problem, there is only one solution left:

Re-install the entire game.

I hope this helped.
Level 5
Oct 6, 2007
Thanks but the problem is still there.:angry: i did everything everybody sad to do but i gess it is Crorruped. but will exporting all the stuff from the Magic City Map to a new map the same size uncrorruped it. i gess i will reword my problem to. ok when i start warcraft III up and open up my magic city campaign it will go to the titel screen then I press the button to go to magic city the screen will go black and go right back to the Campaign screen. also i have tryed macking an intro map and set the next level to Magic City.w3x and when i press the button to intro it will loade the intro map then when it ends it should loade Magic City but it then gos back to the Campaign screen. i have checked the paths and loade the test map but thay all do not work. the only thing that i can think of i just to export everything to another empty map.
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