Shadow_Talon said:
I realy need help on a trigger or a ability. its very simple i just have a brain cramp and cant think of how to do it. I need a 12 units(ne from each color) to loose 1 life every sec through out the whole game,but they can heal by eating. i just dont know how to do it. also i need a trigger that if any unit reaches 200 mana he will die (havent tried that but ive spent a ton of time on this map already and i want to take a break for a lil while). thnx a ton guys. (plz answer this message)
Hmm never tried this but i think this trigger should work.
Every 1 seconds of the game
For each integer A from 1 to 12 do actions
Loop Actions
Player - set life of players integer A - 1%
try this if it work cause i dont have the world edit here cant remember exactly
when play reach 200 mana to make players die see if this work
Every 10 seconds of the game
If all conditions are true then do then actions else do else actions
If Conditions
Triggering units mana equal to 200 or greater
Then Actions
Unit - Kill triggering units
Else Actions
Do nothing
try these if you have not try it,, this is a clue for you ,,try play wit the triggers i think it might work,