Help me with spells

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Level 7
Mar 5, 2009
Hi all i'm noob at making spells, but i need them for my map. So i will make the few requests :
1. - Inferno - non channeling spell that makes flame strikes in AoE of 600 around caster ( deals 500 damage and every flame strike deals 100 damage per second ) cooldown of 120. = Still Need some help
2. - Holy Light - Heal that can heal every targeted friendly unit and also self ( heals 4x int of the caster , cooldown of 10 seconds and mana cost of 150) = Still Need Some Help.

Please do demo maps so i can copy and paste into my map and please dont explain to me how to do them i really cant do spells, thats very hard and not understand-able for me
Level 6
Jan 31, 2009
Ok a few things first this should be in the requests section because your asking for someone to do it for you. Second you need to give more details eg for the second spell is it targeted Aoe or does it heal around the caster? What is the radius? What special effect should be used? Do you want it done in Gui or Jass? Shod it be easily configured? Without this information theres no way the spells going to come out the way you want it.
Level 7
Mar 5, 2009
Ok a few things first this should be in the requests section because your asking for someone to do it for you. Second you need to give more details eg for the second spell is it targeted Aoe or does it heal around the caster? What is the radius? What special effect should be used? Do you want it done in Gui or Jass? Shod it be easily configured? Without this information theres no way the spells going to come out the way you want it.

Effect : Holy light, its targeted and heals only 1 unit, jass or gui ? = doesnt matter
Level 6
Jan 31, 2009
Erm ok I thought you wanted something that heals all units in a group but that makes it even easyer. I really sujest you look at how I did it and figure it out what your asking for is probably the simplest trigger enhanced spell possible (the holy light you requested that is the other one is much more complex). Anyway I have holy light attached I might make the other one latter If I feel like it.

Edit: lol forgot to attach


  • Holy Light.w3x
    16.8 KB · Views: 64
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Level 11
Dec 5, 2009
Yeah but at the first post he says Holy Light - Heal that can heal every targeted friendly unit and also self.

he said every targeted friendly unit. And his 2nd post he sais only 1 o_O which one is the right one? :p
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