- Joined
- Aug 7, 2004
- Messages
- 875
Hey I made some functions on the custom script space. And in the initialization I called those functions.
The problem is the ones in red did not get called. Moreover I made an execution function here...
It worked up to the point i marked as red and then stops... by means the unit was not added to the stocks music was not stopped, and the battlenet door sound wasn't played.
Is there implications in JASS i must understand here? Like this is a real killer bug...
function Trig_Initialization_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local integer x = 0
set udg_heroselector[1] = gg_unit_ncop_0015
set udg_heroselector[2] = gg_unit_ncop_0016
set udg_heroselector[3] = gg_unit_ncop_0017
set udg_heroselector[4] = gg_unit_ncop_0018
set udg_heroselector[5] = gg_unit_ncop_0019
set udg_heroselector[6] = gg_unit_ncop_0020
set udg_heroselector[7] = gg_unit_ncop_0021
set udg_heroselector[8] = gg_unit_ncop_0022
set udg_heroselector[9] = gg_unit_ncop_0023
set udg_heroselector[10] = gg_unit_ncop_0024
//call DisableTrigger( gg_trg_RWarningAzer )
//call DisableTrigger( gg_trg_RWarningAzerAdvance )
//call DisableTrigger( gg_trg_RWarningAzerAdvance2 )
//call DisableTrigger( gg_trg_RWarningAzerAdvance3 )
//call DisableTrigger( gg_trg_RWarningLord )
//call DisableTrigger( gg_trg_RWarningLordAdvance )
//call DisableTrigger( gg_trg_RWarningLordAdvance2 )
//call DisableTrigger( gg_trg_RWarningLordAdvance3 )
exitwhen x > 9
call InitPlayerSettings(Player(x), true, true, 750, 12, 160)
set udg_tax[x+1] = 10
if(PlayerIsPlaying(Player(x))) then
if(GetConvertedPlayerId(Player(x)) < 5) then
call ForceAddPlayerSimple( Player(x), udg_teamOne )
call ForceAddPlayerSimple( Player(x), udg_teamTwo )
set x = x + 1
set udg_MultiboardTitle = ( "|c00FFD51CScore board:" + "" )
set udg_objective = "Achieve a score of 50,000 gold before the enemy team does."
set udg_GoldLevel = 1
set udg_harvest[1] = 'A001'
set udg_harvest[2] = 'A004'
set udg_harvest[3] = 'A005'
set udg_harvest[4] = 'A006'
set udg_harvest[5] = 'A007'
call SetSkyModel( "Environment\\Sky\\Outland_Sky\\Blizzard_Sky.mdl" )
call UseTimeOfDayBJ( false )
call SetTimeOfDay( 24.00 )
call ForForce( GetPlayersAll(), function BountyOn )
set udg_TownHall[1] = gg_unit_h003_0025
set udg_TownHall[2] = gg_unit_h003_0026
set udg_TownHall[3] = gg_unit_h003_0027
set udg_TownHall[4] = gg_unit_h003_0028
set udg_TownHall[5] = gg_unit_h003_0029
set udg_TownHall[6] = gg_unit_h003_0030
set udg_TownHall[7] = gg_unit_h003_0031
set udg_TownHall[8] = gg_unit_h003_0032
set udg_TownHall[9] = gg_unit_h003_0033
set udg_TownHall[10] = gg_unit_h003_0034
set udg_p[1] = gg_rct_gm1
set udg_p[2] = gg_rct_gm2
set udg_p[3] = gg_rct_gm3
set udg_p[4] = gg_rct_gm4
set udg_p[5] = gg_rct_gm5
set udg_p[6] = gg_rct_gm6
set udg_p[7] = gg_rct_gm7
set udg_ResearchX = 0
set udg_Construct[1] = gg_rct_Construct1
set udg_Construct[2] = gg_rct_Construct2
set udg_Construct[3] = gg_rct_Construct3
set udg_Construct[4] = gg_rct_Construct4
set udg_Construct[5] = gg_rct_Construct5
set udg_Construct[6] = gg_rct_Construct6
set udg_Construct[7] = gg_rct_Construct7
set udg_Construct[8] = gg_rct_Construct8
set udg_Construct[9] = gg_rct_Construct9
set udg_Construct[10] = gg_rct_Construct10
call ForForce( GetPlayersAll(), function DisableABG )
call ForForce( GetPlayersByMapControl(MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER), function InsertAI )
call ForceRemovePlayerSimple( Player(10), udg_aiG )
call ForceRemovePlayerSimple( Player(11), udg_aiG )
call GetHost()
call InitTrig_GetPlayerColour()
call InitPlayerLeave()
[COLOR="Red"]call InitTeamkill()[/COLOR]
call InitSmoothCamera()
call InitDestructibleResurrection()
call InitUnitDeathBoolean()
call InitChatSetup() <<<<<<<<
[COLOR="Red"]call InitTrig_orderMine()[/COLOR]<<<<<<
call InitTrig_AbilityTargetMC()
[COLOR="Red"]call InitTrig_checkmine()[/COLOR] <<<<<<<
call InitSpawnUnit()
[COLOR="Red"]call GC_CreateMultiboard()[/COLOR] <<<<<<
call CreepRespawn_Setup()
call InitTrig_AI_footman()
function InitTrig_Initialization takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_Initialization = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_Initialization, function Trig_Initialization_Actions )
The problem is the ones in red did not get called. Moreover I made an execution function here...
function Trig_ExecuteMain_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
call CreateLeaderboardBJ( GetPlayersAll(), "Team score:" )
call LeaderboardDisplayBJ( true, GetLastCreatedLeaderboard() )
call LeaderboardAddItemBJ( Player(10), GetLastCreatedLeaderboard(), GetPlayerNameColoured(Player(10)) + "Azeroth: ", 0 )
call LeaderboardAddItemBJ( Player(11), GetLastCreatedLeaderboard(), GetPlayerNameColoured(Player(11)) + "Lordaeron: ", 0 )
call LeaderboardSetStyleBJ( GetLastCreatedLeaderboard(), true, true, true, true )
call LeaderboardSetStyleBJ( GetLastCreatedLeaderboard(), true, true, true, true )
call AddUnitToStockBJ( 'E000', BarneyInnTavern(), 1, 1 ) <<<<< stops
call AddUnitToStockBJ( 'H009', BarneyInnTavern(), 1, 1 )
call AddUnitToStockBJ( 'H008', BarneyInnTavern(), 1, 1 )
call AddUnitToStockBJ( 'H007', BarneyInnTavern(), 1, 1 )
call AddUnitToStockBJ( 'O002', BarneyInnTavern(), 1, 1 )
call AddUnitToStockBJ( 'O001', BarneyInnTavern(), 1, 1 )
call AddUnitToStockBJ( 'H00I', BarneyInnTavern(), 1, 1 )
call AddUnitToStockBJ( 'N00L', BarneyInnTavern(), 1, 1 )
call AddUnitToStockBJ( 'N00P', BarneyInnTavern(), 1, 1 )
call AddUnitToStockBJ( 'H00J', BarneyInnTavern(), 1, 1 )
call AddUnitToStockBJ( 'H00U', BarneyInnTavern(), 1, 1 )
call AddUnitToStockBJ( 'O004', ThreeMoonsTavern(), 1, 1 )
call AddUnitToStockBJ( 'H00X', ThreeMoonsTavern(), 1, 1 )
call AddUnitToStockBJ( 'H00Y', ThreeMoonsTavern(), 1, 1 )
call MultiboardDisplay( board, true )
call StopMusicBJ( true )
call EndThematicMusicBJ( )
call ForForce( GetPlayersAll(), function ApplyCamera )
call PlaySoundBJ( gg_snd_BattleNetDoorsStereo2 )
call StartTimerBJ( udg_Time, false, 90.00 )
call CreateTimerDialogBJ( udg_Time, "|c004460C4Pick Hero:|r" )
call TimerDialogDisplayBJ( true, GetLastCreatedTimerDialogBJ() )
function InitTrig_ExecuteMain takes nothing returns nothing
set gg_trg_ExecuteMain = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterTimerEventSingle( gg_trg_ExecuteMain, 0.10 )
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_ExecuteMain, function Trig_ExecuteMain_Actions )
It worked up to the point i marked as red and then stops... by means the unit was not added to the stocks music was not stopped, and the battlenet door sound wasn't played.
Is there implications in JASS i must understand here? Like this is a real killer bug...