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Help in finding cool-old map

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Level 1
Jan 3, 2015
If I'm in wrong place to start this thread will be thankful if someone redirect me.

Already several years I'm trying to find this old map. I played it with my friends approximately 8-9 years ago. And from that time I cant find it...

I did search on epicwar few times. And when I said search I mean the page from page download and test it in Warcraft if it has simular to my memories. Recently I did it here too. But could find it, hope someone will help because now I rly think that map was from some local guy that just upload it in c-club.

So some things from map I remember:
1. It's hero defense with One gate.
2. U start from Peasant (or smth looklike human peasant).
3. After getting exp and levels u can choose ur stats by urself.
4. Every (5-7)?-lvl in the circle of poweru can choose specialisation( Like warrior, mage, archer etc. when u choose one after u can go deeper in class some like mage elemenalist or summoner - or smth like that dont remember correctly but there was 2-3 tier specialisation).
5. U can buy items in side shops.
6. U can buy some creeps to help u defend (but we didnt use it often).
7. As I remember that was small map half of it was your base and half of it enemy invaders respawn (but I can be wrong about it)
8. I'm a paintmasta so I draw a rough set of a map I remember.

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Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
I think I've played something like this before but unfortunatly I'm bad with names. I just can't remember it. Is it possible that you can tell me a bit more about the map?
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