Hello there, denizens of the Hive Workshop. I've been lurking around this site on and off for a while, now, and decided it was time for me to sign up.
Who am I? I'm a teen-aged (roughly seventeen year old) Icelander named Neptúnus (the Icelandic version of "Neptune", if you didn't guess that already).
I don't have much experience with the world editor yet, but I have some ideas that I'll try to make real.
I look forward to getting to know some of you, and hopefully contributing something worthy of note to the community.
Well, that's that. Introduction over!
Thanks for reading.
Who am I? I'm a teen-aged (roughly seventeen year old) Icelander named Neptúnus (the Icelandic version of "Neptune", if you didn't guess that already).
I don't have much experience with the world editor yet, but I have some ideas that I'll try to make real.
I look forward to getting to know some of you, and hopefully contributing something worthy of note to the community.
Well, that's that. Introduction over!
Thanks for reading.