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Hellbound Afterlife Idea

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Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
Hellbound Afterlife

I know the wc3 mod community is dying or dead but i´ve wanted too make a mod for a long time, i have try´ed but on my own i find everything too be a waste of time and effort. I´m actually a jack of all trades but master over none, semi at this, bad at this good but never excellent at that, thats why i need help.

Now my idea is a long shot and its only an idea but its worth a try.

The name says a lot but its incomplete. The story is about heaven and hell the afterlife but its not directly demons vs angels, there are several dimension of earth like places such as the barren lands (Imagine mortal combats outworld)
were the wraith reside. The Barren is closest too the Inferno so demons prowl that world aswell.

There are four types of demons in existence,succubi,incubi,moloch and the beasts

1.Succubi´s are fallen female celestians and incubi male
2.Moloch are hell spawn and looks and is like the one Moloch described in wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moloch ,but differ in type.
3.Beasts are just Demonic Animals like the Hell Hound.

Wraith are former mortal sinners. They are cursed too live an eternity in there rotten flesh or ghostly form. They can be from all ages from Medievil knights too western Outlaws.

Celestials are divine creatures like Angels and the Dwellers of Eden which range from elves,faeries and human.

Game Idea
Basic linear storyline like in Wc1 or 2 too avoid further work complications, may change.

This is what i want to do.
Low health but the ability too dodge block and do crits, most of the unit will have really high regen so it will take a crit too take them down, others will have no regen at all or even lose health during the day. I want every unit too be worth its weight in gold, even a weak troop to be able too counter a higher tier troop. This is done so range,juggernaught and spellcasters will have a more active role than ever, so will the little guy.

Units in the Sorceress arsenal will range from medievil knights too modern time tanks and you will be able too purchase or summon demons aswell.

Unit Idea´s
1.Western Outlaw (zombie type,werewolf or Vampire,Darkwatch anyone?)
2.Harpy (Succubus type demon, hopefully can also land and attack ground units)
3.Hellfire Knight *Diablo Doom Knight* (A medievil knight with his skull on fire)
4.Banshee (Succubus type demon, unknown :S)
5.Cenobite (Incubi type Cliver Barkers Hellraiser look alike with summoning spiked chains ability)
6.WW2 Soldier (Zombie or Ghost i want them too differ from outlaws)
7.WW2 Tank (Chaos Predator :) but not soo futuristic)

Out of evil unit Ideas

I want elfs too be more like hobbits with big ears and an innocent look like a childs)

1.Elf Trickster (Permanent invisability)
2.Oracle (Power of vision and detection)
3.Divine Blade (Greek hero look alike little armor a sword and a shield)
5.Airship (An elven made aerial ship that throws javelins)
6.15th century Rifleman or i´m thinking of units like the hunter in the story peter and the wolf which possible resembles the wc3 dwarfen rifleman.

Not all of the units are solid idea´s and idea´s are welcome in all aspect both game play and units.

I really want to do this, i don´t want too wander from time too time in the community without contributing or having done anything.
What i can do is use oinkers tools besides animating and scratch mdl, i can skin but not that well. I´m a good mapper,i need a little help with triggering but can manage on my own, i´ve created good terrains. My favorite part is creating unit and buildings and balancing them aswell as create original spells and make due with the normal abilities in wc3 with great efficiency.

So if anyones interested in this idea and contributing to it in anyway or helping pls let me know but for now let me know what you think before i start working on it.

Edit: Oh and i forgot, i want too make it so that sieges are massive but not too difficult. some spells are omnipotent or even godlike but none too powerful or imba. The base building will be your Divine Master Tower were workers are summoned and the omnipotent god spells are cast. Losing the tower result in defeat.



Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
Hmm ok there are only two armies.
Good and Evil

Good: Eden defense force, Eden in this tale is a city in paradise and is gaurded by its people and the Celestials whom are angelic figures, and also faerie creatures such as Elves or Sirens.

Evil: Demons and what are called the Wraiths, mortals in a state of undeath forever cursed to wander the barrens. A wraith can be from any century, medieval or modern.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
ohhh ok thats who you play as lol. Hmm i'm not much into elves being the demons opposites. It seems more like a human, demon, angel(and sub races) type of map to me. just imo.

but other than that seems like you got most the map layed out, i like the sounds of it.

although i dunno exact gengre but i can kinda guess.



Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
Rts and td genre.

I´ve done some thinking and i made some changes too the Celestials

Instead of Elves i added a new race the Sirens\Undine. Mystical fey humanoid creatures that live underwater.

also i decided too maybe change the lineup, selecting an element will resault in diffirent units, i mean at the start you have your Master Tower and can build several units but too advance forward you have too choose which God Element you want too have.

Good gets Nature - Divine - Tempest

and Evil

Death - Destruction - Darkness

Choosing Tempest for good will allow for less Divine\Celestial and Nature\Humans troops and allow more Undine Troops. Also grants your Mage Tower (Special Caster building) more destructive spells.

Choosing Destruction will allow for more demon type and less Wraith or Zombie type units.

Neat o!!!



Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
Hey thx for rep and comments you inspired me to continue actually, and yeah Fey is magic or magical people, but the concept for Undine is like the Lady in the Lake creature, or Sirens basicly blue attractive females that seduces men to there death, well not in this version though.

I made a concept demo map, it doesn´t contain lot of custom made unit or imports for that matter except for some of my own models. The Units that are within the concept demo are not exactly what will be in future versions (Like the Orc Maurader whos instead of the Undead Gunslingers for instance). Note the demo was kinda rushed but i like playing it, you find yourself always on the brink of death at the last minute.. hmm shoulda added more time oh well. It lacks certain aspect that will be added later on like Upgrades more spells and descriptions Towers and Character units.

your playing Edenian Guards human only and Divine element vs Camilla The Queen of Blood army of Eviiilll with mostly powers of Dark Element. Hope you enjoy.

Footman's skin was made by AntiHero so credits goes to him.
The Orc Maurader unit was created by me but Caveman fixed him for me :infl_thumbs_up:, and the skin the Maurader uses was made by Garuda if i remember correctly.

Edit: Due to lack of resources and time i´ve made a decision too change the entire game races and story. Now i can work with what i got and can get :). I won´t be saying more but except the game will be Named Godfall.


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