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Hearthsteed Rider (model edit -attached model+ custom skin made by me).

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Well I'm attaching the model of the High Elf Pegasus Rider, I wonder if someone could edit it (I'm just using the horse).

I need:

+Change the rider, switch it for the human captain, you can make it by using the Brown Pegasus Rider from the hive, and using the animations from it (and maybe adding a simple spell animation).
+It's weapon should be an spear of light (hive model -angel spear-) with the proper weapon attachment point in the spear head.
+Make the whole horse Team colored so that the skin works properly.
+Portrait included within the model.
+Change the wings of the horse and make them additive, make the model match the hearthsteed concept:

???? Please google Hearthsteed in the internet, I don't have enogh credit on my phone :confused:

*Team glow in the hooves, a team colored tail, TC Glow in the horse eyes, Totally TC Wings plus additive vertex and some TC particles spawning from the wings (phoenix style).

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