[JASS] Hashtable Question

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Level 17
Apr 27, 2008
No, you can use the same keys, as long it's not the same type.
But for the "widget" type, if you store a "widget", and then store a derivated type of "widget", such as "unit", then the previous stored "widget" will be overwritten to the "unit".
I have not tested but i suppose it's the same with "agent", and all other types which can be extended in other types (if there are more of them, check common.j and hashtable functions)

EDIT : Note that i have not tested what i claim, even for widget, i just remember a way to "typecast" widget <-> derivated type of widget, since the return bug is dead, and the lack of some response events (Get...)

But anyway, nothing forbids you to test it by yourself.
Level 16
Mar 3, 2006
There is a map attached as well.

scope FS1 initializer Init_FlameShackles

        private constant integer ABILITY_ID  = 'A000'
        private constant integer   DUMMY_ID  = 'e000'
        private constant string   LIGHTNING  = "LEAS"

        private constant real RADIUS         = 300.00000
        private constant real DURATION       =   5.50000

        private constant real MAX_HEIGHT     = 200.00000
        private constant real HEIGHT_RATE    = 100.00000
        private constant real TIMER_INTERVAL =   0.03125

        private integer index = 0
        private integer array temp_this

        private hashtable hash = InitHashtable()
        private constant timer tim = CreateTimer()

    private struct flame extends array
        player owner
        unit dummy
        unit caster
        real cast_x
        real cast_y
        real dummy_z
        integer count

        implement Alloc

        static method filter takes player owner, unit u returns boolean
            return IsUnitEnemy(u,owner) and IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_GROUND)

        static method rise takes nothing returns nothing
            local thistype this
            local integer a = 0
            local integer b
            local lightning l
            local unit u
            local real x1
            local real y1
            local real z1
            local real x2
            local real y2
            local real z2

                exitwhen a == index
                set this = temp_this[a]

                set x1 = this.cast_x
                set y1 = this.cast_y
                set z1 = this.dummy_z
                if z1 < MAX_HEIGHT then
                    set z1 = z1 + MAX_HEIGHT * TIMER_INTERVAL/1.500
                    call SetUnitFlyHeight(this.dummy,z1,0.0)
                    set this.dummy_z = z1
                set b = 1
                    exitwhen b >= this.count
                    @set u = LoadUnitHandle(hash,this,b)@
                    set x2 = GetUnitX(u)
                    set y2 = GetUnitY(u)
                    set z2 = GetUnitFlyHeight(u)
                    @set l = LoadLightningHandle(hash,this,b)@
                    call MoveLightningEx(l,false,x1,y1,z1 + 48.,x2,y2,z2)
                    set b = b + 1
                set u = null
                set l = null

                set a = a + 1

        static method start takes unit caster, real x1, real y1 returns nothing
            local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
            local unit temp_u
            local lightning l
            local integer i = 1
            local real x2
            local real y2
            local real z2

            set temp_this[index] = this
            set this.owner = GetOwningPlayer(caster)
            set this.caster = caster
            set this.cast_x = x1
            set this.cast_y = y1
            set this.dummy_z = 0.0
            set this.dummy = CreateUnit(this.owner,DUMMY_ID,x1,y1,0)
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(bj_lastCreatedGroup,x1,y1,RADIUS,null)
            //set i = 1
                set temp_u = FirstOfGroup(bj_lastCreatedGroup)
                set this.count = i
                exitwhen temp_u == null
                if filter(this.owner,temp_u) then
                    set x2 = GetUnitX(temp_u)
                    set y2 = GetUnitY(temp_u)
                    set z2 = GetUnitFlyHeight(temp_u)
                    set l = AddLightningEx(LIGHTNING,false,x1,y1,0,x2,y2,z2)
                    @call SaveUnitHandle( hash , this , i , temp_u )@
                    @call SaveLightningHandle( hash , this , i , l )@
                    set i = i + 1
                call GroupRemoveUnit(bj_lastCreatedGroup,temp_u)
            if index == 0 then
                call TimerStart(tim,TIMER_INTERVAL,true,function flame.rise)
            set index = index + 1

    private function FlameShackles_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
        if GetSpellAbilityId() == ABILITY_ID then
            call flame.start(GetTriggerUnit(),GetSpellTargetX(),GetSpellTargetY())
        return false

    private function Init_FlameShackles takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
        call TriggerAddCondition(t,function FlameShackles_Conditions)
        set t = null

scope FS2 initializer Init_FlameShackles

        private constant integer ABILITY_ID  = 'A001'
        private constant integer   DUMMY_ID  = 'e000'
        private constant string   LIGHTNING  = "LEAS"

        private constant real RADIUS         = 300.00000
        private constant real DURATION       =   5.50000

        private constant real MAX_HEIGHT     = 200.00000
        private constant real HEIGHT_RATE    = 100.00000
        private constant real TIMER_INTERVAL =   0.03125

        private integer index = 0
        private integer array temp_this

        private hashtable hash = InitHashtable()
        private constant timer tim = CreateTimer()

    private struct flame extends array
        player owner
        unit dummy
        unit caster
        real cast_x
        real cast_y
        real dummy_z
        integer count

        implement Alloc

        static method filter takes player owner, unit u returns boolean
            return IsUnitEnemy(u,owner) and IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_GROUND)

        static method rise takes nothing returns nothing
            local thistype this
            local integer a = 0
            local integer b
            local lightning l
            local unit u
            local real x1
            local real y1
            local real z1
            local real x2
            local real y2
            local real z2

                exitwhen a == index
                set this = temp_this[a]

                set x1 = this.cast_x
                set y1 = this.cast_y
                set z1 = this.dummy_z
                if z1 < MAX_HEIGHT then
                    set z1 = z1 + MAX_HEIGHT * TIMER_INTERVAL/1.500
                    call SetUnitFlyHeight(this.dummy,z1,0.0)
                    set this.dummy_z = z1
                set b = 1
                    exitwhen b >= this.count
                    @set u = LoadUnitHandle(hash,this,b)@
                    set x2 = GetUnitX(u)
                    set y2 = GetUnitY(u)
                    set z2 = GetUnitFlyHeight(u)
                    @set l = LoadLightningHandle(hash,this,b)@
                    call MoveLightningEx(l,false,x1,y1,z1 + 48.,x2,y2,z2)
                    set b = b + 1
                set u = null
                set l = null

                set a = a + 1

        static method start takes unit caster, real x1, real y1 returns nothing
            local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
            local unit temp_u
            local lightning l
            local integer i = 1
            local real x2
            local real y2
            local real z2

            set temp_this[index] = this
            set this.owner = GetOwningPlayer(caster)
            set this.caster = caster
            set this.cast_x = x1
            set this.cast_y = y1
            set this.dummy_z = 0.0
            set this.dummy = CreateUnit(this.owner,DUMMY_ID,x1,y1,0)
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(bj_lastCreatedGroup,x1,y1,RADIUS,null)
            //set i = 1
                set temp_u = FirstOfGroup(bj_lastCreatedGroup)
                set this.count = i
                exitwhen temp_u == null
                if filter(this.owner,temp_u) then
                    set x2 = GetUnitX(temp_u)
                    set y2 = GetUnitY(temp_u)
                    set z2 = GetUnitFlyHeight(temp_u)
                    set l = AddLightningEx(LIGHTNING,false,x1,y1,0,x2,y2,z2)
                    @call SaveLightningHandle( hash , this , i , l )@
                    @call SaveUnitHandle( hash , this , i , temp_u )@
                    set i = i + 1
                call GroupRemoveUnit(bj_lastCreatedGroup,temp_u)
            if index == 0 then
                call TimerStart(tim,TIMER_INTERVAL,true,function flame.rise)
            set index = index + 1

    private function FlameShackles_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
        if GetSpellAbilityId() == ABILITY_ID then
            call flame.start(GetTriggerUnit(),GetSpellTargetX(),GetSpellTargetY())
        return false

    private function Init_FlameShackles takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
        call TriggerAddCondition(t,function FlameShackles_Conditions)
        set t = null

scope FS3 initializer Init_FlameShackles

        private constant integer ABILITY_ID  = 'A002'
        private constant integer   DUMMY_ID  = 'e000'
        private constant string   LIGHTNING  = "LEAS"

        private constant real RADIUS         = 300.00000
        private constant real DURATION       =   5.50000

        private constant real MAX_HEIGHT     = 200.00000
        private constant real HEIGHT_RATE    = 100.00000
        private constant real TIMER_INTERVAL =   0.03125

        private integer index = 0
        private integer array temp_this

        private hashtable hash = InitHashtable()
        private constant timer tim = CreateTimer()

    private struct flame extends array
        player owner
        unit dummy
        unit caster
        real cast_x
        real cast_y
        real dummy_z
        integer count

        implement Alloc

        static method filter takes player owner, unit u returns boolean
            return IsUnitEnemy(u,owner) and IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_GROUND)

        static method rise takes nothing returns nothing
            local thistype this
            local integer a = 0
            local integer b
            local lightning l
            local unit u
            local real x1
            local real y1
            local real z1
            local real x2
            local real y2
            local real z2

                exitwhen a == index
                set this = temp_this[a]

                set x1 = this.cast_x
                set y1 = this.cast_y
                set z1 = this.dummy_z
                if z1 < MAX_HEIGHT then
                    set z1 = z1 + MAX_HEIGHT * TIMER_INTERVAL/1.500
                    call SetUnitFlyHeight(this.dummy,z1,0.0)
                    set this.dummy_z = z1
                set b = 1
                    exitwhen b >= this.count
                    @set u = LoadUnitHandle(hash,this,b)@
                    set x2 = GetUnitX(u)
                    set y2 = GetUnitY(u)
                    set z2 = GetUnitFlyHeight(u)
                    @set l = LoadLightningHandle(hash,this,-b)@
                    call MoveLightningEx(l,false,x1,y1,z1 + 48.,x2,y2,z2)
                    set b = b + 1
                set u = null
                set l = null

                set a = a + 1

        static method start takes unit caster, real x1, real y1 returns nothing
            local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
            local unit temp_u
            local lightning l
            local integer i = 1
            local real x2
            local real y2
            local real z2

            set temp_this[index] = this
            set this.owner = GetOwningPlayer(caster)
            set this.caster = caster
            set this.cast_x = x1
            set this.cast_y = y1
            set this.dummy_z = 0.0
            set this.dummy = CreateUnit(this.owner,DUMMY_ID,x1,y1,0)
            call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(bj_lastCreatedGroup,x1,y1,RADIUS,null)
            //set i = 1
                set temp_u = FirstOfGroup(bj_lastCreatedGroup)
                set this.count = i
                exitwhen temp_u == null
                if filter(this.owner,temp_u) then
                    set x2 = GetUnitX(temp_u)
                    set y2 = GetUnitY(temp_u)
                    set z2 = GetUnitFlyHeight(temp_u)
                    set l = AddLightningEx(LIGHTNING,false,x1,y1,0,x2,y2,z2)
                    @call SaveLightningHandle( hash , this , -i , l )@
                    @call SaveUnitHandle( hash , this , i , temp_u )@
                    set i = i + 1
                call GroupRemoveUnit(bj_lastCreatedGroup,temp_u)
            if index == 0 then
                call TimerStart(tim,TIMER_INTERVAL,true,function flame.rise)
            set index = index + 1

    private function FlameShackles_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
        if GetSpellAbilityId() == ABILITY_ID then
            call flame.start(GetTriggerUnit(),GetSpellTargetX(),GetSpellTargetY())
        return false

    private function Init_FlameShackles takes nothing returns nothing
        local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
        call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t,EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
        call TriggerAddCondition(t,function FlameShackles_Conditions)
        set t = null

On the left is the lightning overwrite unit and the middle is unit overwrite lightning and on the right is working perfectly


  • fs2.w3x
    29 KB · Views: 72
Level 17
Apr 27, 2008
Ok, jass is just weirder once again.

This work as expected :

scope Test initializer init

        private hashtable Hash_t

    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 1
        local integer i_temp
        local real r = 2.0
        local real r_temp
        set Hash_t = InitHashtable()
        call SaveInteger(Hash_t,1,2,i)
        call SaveReal(Hash_t,1,2,r)
        call SaveTimerHandle(Hash_t,1,2,CreateTimer())
        set i_temp = LoadInteger(Hash_t,1,2)
        call BJDebugMsg(I2S(i_temp))
        set r_temp = LoadReal(Hash_t,1,2)
        call BJDebugMsg(R2S(r_temp))
        call BJDebugMsg(I2S(GetHandleId(LoadTimerHandle(Hash_t,1,2))))

I've done only this test, so what i assume is that "parent" types (types which aren't extended from an other one) can safely share the same keys, while you can't with the extended ones.

So you could use the same keys for :

- bool
- integer
- real
- string

And you couldn't for all the other ones, since they all are extended from "agent", where "agent" is extended from "handle".
Ofc i'm talking about types which can be stored in an hashtable, since you can't store "handle", nor "code".

More tests would be good, and i would say even needed, but this assumption would be right, and i don't want to do more anyway :p
This is my conclusion as per Troll-Brain's test and your test map...

the real, integer and handle were able to save without overlapping even with the same key used since the three are of different data types... while the unit handle overlapped with the lightning handle because they are of the same data type which in this case is handle...
Level 9
Aug 26, 2010
I have tested that about a year ago because of an incident when I got 2 values in 1 cell without a bug but haven't found it useful. I think using this fact will ruin API or at least will make code unreadable often... And if u do u have to be very carefull about types - to look not to save 2+ handles in one slot. But it will be usefull with Table made by Bribe - now u know that u can store more info in one cell making it a bit similar to structs, like name of item(str), its price(real), struct with its stats(int), flag if it is protected(bool) and itself(item->handle).
And btw negative is same thing as adding a const in fact - it is just very-very big positive.
That is I.

Yeah, what Blizzard's coders did here is pretty smart on their part. This way, they would only have to declare hashtable classes using some template for integers, reals, strings, booleans and handles. (Maybe agents too)

At the same time, it's stupid because they didn't consider how data could be overwritten <.<

By the way, I don't think this is news D:
I read some old thread a few weeks ago about Troll-Brain or Bribe stating how cool the Hashtable casting thing is pretty cool. You would save a widget and load a unit using the same keys.
Level 17
Apr 27, 2008
Well, on a second though that actually makes sense.
Because i already knew that you could "typecast" widget <-> unit/destructable/item.

I've just forgotten this new type introduced in the newest patches, "agent".

And i've never experienced it, since i mostly only store integers (struct instances, index of units, whatever ...)
And sometimes "boolean", ... , but it was always a "parent" type.

Anyway it seems a good reminder, if we see how people react to this information.

And btw this information is more for GUI than (v)Jass, at least once you're experienced with structs, indexers and such (v)Jass shit.
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