Earth-Fury: Its... a mele map. Approved, as i see nothign wrong with it.
(5 ratings)
Attractive map landscape-wise, at least for me. I like "Gold Rush" melee map types, with an accessible terrain and a lot of places to expand.But let's start slow! I've got to express by slight depreciation for the ground texture variation. It's a little poor. Textures from this tileset must be used abundantly, otherwise the terrain looks soulless. Why not try to make roads with Rough Dirt, changing its direction several times, for example? It makes a pretty nice effect and gives life to the terrain.
My advice to replace the Marketplaces has been heard, it seems. The distance from each player to the Merchants still isn't exactly the same, but it's much fairer now.Replacing the Gold Mines with Marketplaces was a good idea. The first time I played, I got the impression that those expansions favored those «you-won't-catch-me» players more than anything else, since they tend to get forgotten... as the new Marketplaces probably will, but since they're very valuable shops, I could be wrong.
Judging from the creator's last map, "Anarchy Castle", I was really disappointed when I found out what a screw-up the drops were.They're not only unequal but imbalanced as well: the Murloc camps in the center have different drops. One drops a Goblin Night Scope, another two drop a lvl2 permanent, and a final drops a lvl1 permanent. I don't know what's the idea, but it damages balance a lot. These creeps are quite attractive early game. A lvl1 permanent or lvl2 charged would be good choices for this camp.Another example of wrongly set drops: while an Ogre Magi and two lesser Ogres drop a lvl2 permanent and a lvl1 powerup, a Razormane Chieftain, a Razormane Brute and a Quillboar Hunter drop a lvl2 charged and a lvl1 powerup. The power level of the latter creep camp is definitely higher.
I consider the drops a very important part of the game. I am reluctant to change my rating.The map remains Approved, it has great potential.