• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


Got Bored today, and needed one of these guys for my map, Didn't feel like i needed to ask somebody so i just made it myself.

Thought to upload it, maybe it might be useful to some people, cause i didn't see one of these on the site yet. (+ the search mechanism isn't the best.)

It's not much i know, but i just want to see what some people think, maybe i can make it better.

Its all freehand, I even changed the pupil. (sorta :p)

I hope SOMEONE likes it.

Credits to : koondad (my war3 acct)

Mountain, Giant, Mountain Giant, Big, Foot, Big Foot, Sasquatch, Hairy, Beast, Brute, Diablo, Gorilla, Monkey, Monster, RPG, Creep, Thick, Hair, Fur,

HairyBeast3.11 (Texture)

18:18, 13th May 2009 Hawkwing: Alright, the quality is good enough for approval.




18:18, 13th May 2009
Hawkwing: Alright, the quality is good enough for approval.
Level 6
Dec 3, 2008
i like it but it's a little too dark and i'd suggest to make the fur a little more detailed and improving the borders between the foot and the fur + between the hand and the fur. maybe let some hair hang over if this is possible. Maybe make the passage between the textures like in this Picture.

I'd love a white version of this skin. It would be very very useful for any battlenet map, since you just need to import one skin, and can create any color you want in the object editor, like RGB 66;40;12 should make it a dark brown wendigo (even though the hands and feet are probably misscolored then).
This would save a lot of mapsize for Battle.net maps which want to use the model in different colors.
Level 9
Aug 17, 2008
- too dark
- he has no lips? at least an outline.
- add more shading in the un-furred body parts
- the furs lacks of highlights, shadings. It doesn't look furs to me. It looks like mud.
+ nice concept

Spend more time on making details. This can get a 5/5 or even a director's cut. Just DETAILS.
it was actually inspired by the Brutes from Diablo.

So im thinking of releasing white/gray/black versions.

yeah dude, if you want a better results, the sasquatch in Diablo2 has a bold head.. with a strange seperation.. you should try to reproduce that
Level 12
Jan 6, 2009
The skin is very nice, but the wrapping makes it look very odd o_O
Very... Edgy(dunno if that's a real word xD).
But that's just the models fault. =)