-Added the Anti-Afk System.
-New Single Player detection System, which allows a player to play alone with Save/Load when he started the game in Bnet or in Local Network!
-Added a cool Wintermode command. (-terrainsnow / -ts)
-CODE RESET! (The Majority wanted a code reset as a poll showed)
-Added Hotkeys to all Ability learn buttons.
-Remade hotkeys for all learn able hero spells.
-Half a new Loadscreen. (thx to Smokey_Bud)
-Increased Askalors damage, hitpoints and made his attack type to chaos.
-Fixed a bug that causes the Quest Monster Baby to get removed from the game when the owning player leaves the game.
-Fixed a bug that Rangers were able to overtake the control of the Dark Ranger (Quest).
-Fixed a bug that did not removed the boat when a player startet a new hero.
-Fixed a bug that causes the Dragon Sword passive ability to deal double damage.
-Added a player color message when a player leaves the game.
-Fixed a bug that the Frost Murgul didn't drop any items.
-Replaced the NPC's in Orkenbourgh and removed some of them.
-Reduced the Manacosts of the Elemental Dragon's spells.
-Improved Broothmother's kill message.
-Improved Askalors whole spells!
-Fixed a bug that causes one of Aksalors spells to heal his enemys.
-Made Monster Training (Quest) easier.
-Fixed a bug that the Monster Baby could kill weak Shadows to train faster.
-Added a few more Trees to the Askalor Plateau.
-Slightly remade the Orc Camp. (it's a lil bit smaller now!)
-Set the min required hero level to teleport to Melargaba from 15 to 20.
-Set the white item drop chance from 25% to 20%.
-Set the potion drop chance from 15% to 10%.
-Increased Keeper of the Dragons stats.
-Fixed a bug which causes that everywhere on the map was grass when Askalor gets killed. xD
-Remade the Beach of Tears Region completely and renamed it to "Swamp".
-Fixed a bug which duplicates your Minipet if you re very tricky. (just worked one times a game!)
-Set Gold Value of all Mastery Items from 10000 to 1200.
-Increased level requirement and the reward from Golden Cloth (Quest).
-Renamed a few NPC unit's.
-Fixed a bug that Melargaba soldiers ALWAYS attacked enemys scorpions when a hero enters the area. (fast leveling!)
-Fixed a bug with level Requirements of Minipets.
-Added hotkeys to the Attribute improve buttons.
-Added a new Boss (Mù Xi-Pasi) Urtum of Wonders to the game in the new Swamp region.
-Changed slightly the gold value of all potions.
-Fixed a bug which causes creeps to permanently kill the whife's Husband (Quest).
-Made a new Sounset for Necromancer.
-Set teal item dropchance from Dragonis from 20% to 10%.
-Set Teal item dropchance from Robot from 20% to 10%.
-Increased the hitpoint-regeneration of all boss units!
-Decreased the trigger range for all quests from 175 to 150!
-Added Mercenary's to the Game! (see below for more information! *)
-Changed the order of the attributes to Strength, Agility, Intelligence.
-Quest: MOnster Training: changed the min lvl to 11.
-Added new command: -stats (shows spellbonus damage/heal, Spikearmor, Lifesteal and Manasteal)
-Hopefully fixed a bug that your minipet couldn't heal you sometimes.
-Fixed a bug that a Minipet doesn't give any auras away when it's invisible.
-Changed Freezor's her level from 7 to 9. (for more exp)
-Increased the strength hitpoint-reg gain slightly.
-Increased the intelligence mana-reg gain slightly.
-Hopefully fixed Assassin Spawn bug!
-Quest: Valueable Gift - message bug fixed!
-Fixed a bug that Askatar units go back to Askatar after the fight.
-Increased Guard position range of ALL creeps. (for more hack'n slay feeling!^^)
-Make all players select the hero tavern in the map initializing
-Moved the hyppos armee slightly backwards.
-New Show Dmg system: Enemy dmg is shown with yellow color and the players dmg with red.
-Fortress of Tears magic now deals more damage and spawns every 2 seconds instead of 3.
-Keeper of the Dragon's wont drop Master Items anymore longer! (Only Pit Robot, Fortress Creeps and Askalor!)
-Added a little Easteregg for noob heroes.
-The current played gametime is now shown in the multiboard title.
-Completely remade the terrain arround the Elemental Dragon's boss area.
-Broothmother (Boss) now has got a new Boss area.
-Improved Spideregg and Spiderling slightly. (Broothmother)
-Naga Queen (Boss) now has got a new Boss area.
-Added new Quest: Tree's Alive (req lvl 45)
-Added new Quest: Trading (req lvl 60)
-Fixed a big fatal error problem, when moving your units to specific locations on the map.
-Made Potions useless in battle by increasing the cooldown from 8 to 10 seconds.
-Fixed a bug that you lost wood when you unlearned Great Deserve.
-Fixed a bug that the Skeleton Mage didn't get killed when unlearning Summon Skeleton Mage.
-Remade Wrath of God.
-Fixed Battle Gas which did not work.
-Fixed a bug that the target hero always had ful life/mana when a monk casts Sacred Revival on him.
-Fixed a bug with Multi Shot that a hero could use it's effects without mana costs!
-Added Meat Hook to Butcher as a new Spell. (thx for helping with the code to Spong3bob)
-Removed Rot from Butcher.
-Removed Lightning Fields (Ele Mage) completely from the game.
-Removed Circle Frost (Ele Mage) completely from the game.
-Removed Healing Flames (Ele Mage) completely from the game.
-Added Frost Aura as a new passive for the Elemental Mage.
-Added Flame Guardian as a new spell for the Elemental Mage.
-Added Paralyse as a new spell for the Elemental Mage.
-Changed Fireball (Ele Mage) effeckts.
-Changed Static Body (Ele Mage) effeckts.
-Convert all Ele Mage spells to JASS for a better game performance and because of the new and greatly improved spellbonus dmg system.
-Removed a grafic bug with Electrical Discharge.
-Changed Fireball effeckts!
-Fixed buff from "Unholy Rage" (Skeleton Archer)
-Fixed a stacking bug with Blinding Ray and Hand of Kahjem.
-Added a new Ability to Elemental Mage: "Flame Guardian"
-Fixed a rare bug with Knockback which causes a big fatal error.
-Removed Slaying from Behind (Assassin) completely from the game.
-Added Spell Crit as a new passive for the Assassin.
-Changed grafic effects of Call of Angels, Anger, Grace and many more spells.
-Fixed a bug that you could wear The Creator's Eye's without having the requried mp's.
-Fixed a bug that you could wear Moon Armor without having the requried mp's.
-Fixed a bug that you could wear Armor of pure Magic without having the requried mp's.
-Fixed a bug that you could wear Bow of Sorrow without having the requried mp's.
-Fixed a bug that Spellshield needs lvl 22 instead of lvl 21.
-Fixed a bug with which you could wear as many Dragon Mace's as you re funny! ;-)
-Fixed a bug with which you could wear as many japanese Shoes as you re funny! XD
-Removed the bugged hitpoint and mana bonus from Archring.
-Fixed a bug with Frostmurgul's Skin activ.
-Fixed Serpentine Mace's aura buff.
-Taurus Helmet: Decreased armor bonus.
-Added 3 new red items for Pit Robot!
-Added Dragon Mask for Elemental Dragon as a new red dropable item!
-Added 3 new red items for Earth Guardian!
-Added a new Mageguild Set. (Ecrans arcanic Magic)
-Added a new Warriorguild Set. (Curadis soul Artifacts)
-Orcish drums now give +6 dmg aura instead of 10%.
-Serpentine Mace now gives +33% dmg aura, but just for non-hero units.
-Added a new teal item called "Magus Defender".
-Added a new teal item called "Ultimate Dragon Orb".
-Changed true sight radius from Creator's Eye from 700 to 600.
-Balanced the 3 different Boats.
-Spiderarrow: Manacost changed from (10*loA) to (20+(5*loA))
-Light Saber: balanced it!
-Removed the channeling from Armistice.
-Increased Great Deserve's manacost slightly.
-Combat Roar: Cooldown from 40 to 45 seconds increased.
-Cumulating Strength: Cooldown from 40 to 45 seconds increased.
-Cumulating Strength: Increased mana cost.
-Balanced Divine Pusle of Vengeance. (it was hardly overpowered!)
-Iron Will: set damage reduce from -25% to -50%.
-Toxic Body Guard: Decreased attackspeed reduction from 5*loA % to 4*loA %.
-The Creator's Eyes: lowered it's power!
-Mastery Shield: balanced it!
-Dragonis items: balanced them!
-Poison Dagger: balanced it!
-Stars of Hope: Decreased the triggerchance from 12% to 10%.
-Dead Raising: decreased casting mana from 18*loA to 8*loA.
-Dead Raising: decreased casting range from 700 to 600.
-Weakened Blinding Ray's blind from 5%*loA to 4%*loA.
-Reduced Blinding Ray's healing from 25*loA to 20*loA.
-Reduced manacost from Broken Bones.
-Reduced manacost from Blink Strike.
-Reduced manacost from Woody Might.
-Balanced ability point costs of some abilitys.
-Fixed a tooltip typo with Summon Skeleton Archer ability.
-Fixed a tooltip bug with Chitin Armor.
-Fixed a tooltip bug with Magic Egg.
-Corrected Divine Pulse of Vegeance to Divine Pulse of Vengeance. (do you notice the difference?^^)
-Fixed a tooltip bug which shows incorrectly that Hand of Kahjem heals 3*loA hp per second instead of 2*loA!
-Corrected the Tooltip of Scepter of Mind that shows that only Warriors could wear it instead of Mages.
-Corrected a typing mistake with Monster Training Quest that shows that you ve to kill Monsters above lvl 12 instead of lvl 15.
-Added hero colors to the error message when entering the wrong guild.
-Corrected the color of all Seraph Ability learn buttons.
-Changed the most blue colors in text and the hero color from the Elemental Mage. (the color was very shitty for the eyes! xD)
-Changed the hero color from the Necromancer. (same problem like with elemental mage.)
-Updated the F9-log Commands.
-Add interface info to only play legit goh maps. (
-Changed the Model and Icon from Elemental Mage.
-Changed the Icon from Warrior.
-Changed the Model and Icon from Ranger.
-Increased the size of Attributes Shop.
-Improved all hero descriptions.
-Abilitybuttons are all now on the same place at the beginning. (so you can choose, where the button of every spell is placed!)
-Renamed "Summon Skeleton Warrior" to "Dead Raising".
-Changed the Ability Learn effects.
-Added %-value of spell bonus dmg/heal for every spell in the tooltip.
-Quest special effects of the Mainquest are now destroyed when Hyppos V-Energy is killed.
-Remade the Assassin Icon. (Thx to Smokey_Bud!)
-Corrected Tooltip typo with Flying Bash in the ability shop.
-Corrected Tooltip typo with Angels Blessing in the ability shop.
-Changed Unholy Rage buff Icon.
-Improved the Curse ability of the Mage of the Tears.
-Removed the Cave Fish from the game.
-Removed Dark Lorbster from the game.
-Added Baby Hydra as a new creep for Swamp region.
-Added Wisp as a new creep for Swamp region.
-Added Ancient Hydra as a new creep for Swamp region.
-Added Ghost of the Sea as a new creep for Swamp region.
-Added Wolf as a new Creep to Kobold Plains region.
-Added Gnoll as a new creep to Murgul Islands.
-Added Gnoll HUnter as a new creep to Murgul Islands.
-Added Gnoll Overseer as a new creep to Murgul Islands.
-Changed the model from Gigant Treant.
-Improved the coding of Spider Arrow.
-Improved coding from the Revive Triggers.
-Remade the PvP System and Triggers. (hopefully fixed all bugs with this!)
-Improved the coding from the Item Condition Triggers.
-Improved coding from Divine Pulse of Vengeance.
-Improved coding from all JASS spells which use GBCR-System.
-Removed some leaks.
-Configured all init triggers new. (to work against some buggs!)
-Improved Coding and fixed leaks from Electric Discharge.
-Improved coding and fixed leaks from Soldier Jump.
-Improved coding and fixed leaks from Pentagramm.
-Recoded all Elemental Mage spells.
-Recoded all Monk spells.
-Removed a grafic bug with Electrical Discharge.
-Greatly improved coding from Lifesteal-, Manasteal-, Spelldmg-, Spellheal and Spikearmor System.
-Recoded Creep Despawn System.
-Recoded Creep Spawn System.
-Recoded Creep Respawn System.
-Recoded Boss create Trigger. (fixed known bugs and improved performance with it!)
-Improved spawn places of Nagas and Treants in Wonderisland.
-Fixed a bug with Arrow Hail and Grenad, which causes to damage own units and to don't get creep gold.
-Coded a new Quest reward system. (hero with their lvl under the quest's min level will get less questgold and exp!)
-Recoded Slaying From Behind, Night Slayer and a part of Broken Bones. (Assassin)
-Added a day effect for night Slayer. (half bonus damage)
-Improved coding from Blink Strike
-Improved coding from Shurriken.
-Improved Life/Mana steal system.
-Greatly improved coding of some Ranger abilitys.
-Recoded some Assassin triggers.
-Recoded Call of Angels.
-Recoded Anger.
-Recoded Grace.
-Complete Recoding of the Save/Load System.
New Necro:
1. Dark Ritual (Support/Summon)
2. Cursed Poison (Summon/Magic)
3. Flag of Gloom (Support)
4. Dead Raising (Summon)
5. Disease (Buff)
6. Toxic Bodyguard (Passive/Magic)
7. Poison Nova (Magic)
8. Cursed Life (Support)
9. Life Drain (Support/Magic)
10. Improved Summoning (Passive/Support)
11. Minion Magic (Passive/Magic)
12. Hell Summon (Summon)
All necro summon's now not only
have their life/mana dependent
on the ability level!
=======Skeleton Warrior:=======
-Abil lvl
-Hero lvl
-Abil lvl
-Hero lvl
-Target lvl
=======Skeleton Mage:=======
-Abil lvl
-Hero lvl
-Target lvl
=======Skeleton Archer:=======
-Abil lvl
-Hero lvl
-Corpse count
New Ele Mage Spells:
Fireball (new effects)
Flame Guardian
Inflammable Skin
Ice Field
Frost Aura
Static Body (new effects)
Electric Discharge
Many Hitpoints/Defense
Less Damage
Ability: Taunt
Average Hitpoints/Defense
Less Damage
Ability: Heal
Less Hitpoints/Defense
High Damage
Abilitys: Fireball, Chain Lightning
A hero can have one Mecenary at the same time.
They fight for him but also cost gold
every 5 seconds! You can also sell your Mecenary,
if you don't want to lose gold anymore!