Hello Guys, So I have tried to make a block chance based on hero's items.
Block = Reduce incoming damage by 50% (does not count spells, only normal attacks.)
I have several problems here.
I am not sure if it blocks damage and I don't know a way how to decet it.
Whenever hero block damage I want floating text around him saying "Block"
Note: I'm using http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...1016/?prev=search=damage%20engine&d=list&r=20
Setup Items
Block = Reduce incoming damage by 50% (does not count spells, only normal attacks.)
I have several problems here.
I am not sure if it blocks damage and I don't know a way how to decet it.
Whenever hero block damage I want floating text around him saying "Block"
Note: I'm using http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...1016/?prev=search=damage%20engine&d=list&r=20
Setup Items
Map initialization
Hashtable - Create a hashtable
Set IBlock_Table = (Last created hashtable)
Set IBlock_IType = Block + 85%
Custom script: set udg_IBlock_I1 = udg_IBlock_IType
Hashtable - Save 85 as 0 of IBlock_I1 in IBlock_Table
Set IBlock_IType = Block + 5%
Custom script: set udg_IBlock_I1 = udg_IBlock_IType
Hashtable - Save 5 as 0 of IBlock_I1 in IBlock_Table
Game - DamageModifierEvent becomes Equal to 1.00
DamageEventOverride Equal to False
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(DamageEventTarget is A Hero) Equal to True
Then - Actions
Set IBlock_I2 = 0
For each (Integer A) from 1 to 6, do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Set IBlock_IType = (Item-type of (Item carried by DamageEventTarget in slot (Integer A)))
Custom script: set udg_IBlock_I1 = udg_IBlock_IType
Set IBlock_I2 = (IBlock_I2 + (Load 0 of IBlock_I1 from IBlock_Table))
Else - Actions
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
(Random integer number between 1 and 100) Less than or equal to IBlock_I2
Then - Actions
Set DamageEventOverride = True
Set DamageEventAmount = (DamageEventAmount x 0.50)
Floating Text - Create floating text that reads Block! above DamageEventTarget with Z offset 50.00, using font size 10.00, color (100.00%, 5.00%, 10.00%), and 0.00% transparency
Floating Text - Set the velocity of (Last created floating text) to 75.00 towards 90.00 degrees
Floating Text - Change (Last created floating text): Disable permanence
Floating Text - Change the lifespan of (Last created floating text) to 3.50 seconds
Floating Text - Change the fading age of (Last created floating text) to 1.40 seconds
Else - Actions