yes, of course before smoothing.
K, now first of all that car is really ugly design-wise. Try making a real car before coming up with your own design. This is very ugly, doesn't have any nice flows nor shapes, no nice silhouette and it's very disproportionate.
And about modeling, well it's obvious you don't even know the basics of high poly modeling. The first and most important rule of all is to keep all your polygons quads! Triangles and ngons mess up the mesh big time, like you can see.
Secondly, you must have nice, streamline flows of polygons all around your mesh, not catastrophic crashes like you have above the wheels. Those areas are absolutely terrible, they're just a random pile of triangles and ngons.
Keep your distances between polygons equal in order to obtain a nice smooth mesh! The closer 2 edges are to each other, the sharper that edge will be. Have this in mind when you want to define sharp edges, but unify the distances between polygons otherwise.
Yeah, so you basically have to heavily reconsider the design and to celan up your mesh, remember, you must have only quads! You can hide triangles and whatnot in areas you won't see. Also there may be situations in which triangles or ngons don't affect smoothing at all, but they're rare. If it doesn't bother, leave it. If it does, like in your case, remove it.